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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Badshah, Akhtar. Connected for development : information kiosks and sustainability. Doc.HC79.I55C6697 2005 IN
Book Badyina, Anna. Self-made cities : in search of sustainable solutions for informal settlements in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region. Doc.HD7287.96.E85S45 2009 IN
Mixed Bae, Woori Apoptosis-inducing activity of marine sponge Haliclona sp. extracts collected from Kosrae in nonsmall cell lung cancer A549 Cells. VerF.0924 Pac. IN
Serial Bae, Yupin. Trends in educational equity of girls & women. Gov.ED1.302:EQ1 IN
Book Baechle, Thomas R., 1943- Essentials of strength training and conditioning. GV711.5.E88 2000 IN
Book Baehr, P. R. (Peter R.) Non-governmental human rights organizations in international relations. JZ4841.B34 2009 IN
Book Baer, Gene, 1927- Thump, thump, rat-a-tat-tat. CRC Pic. B33 1989 IN
Book Baer, Judy Norah's ark. PS3552.A33N67 2006 IN
Book Baer, Rod. ESL through content-area instruction : mathematics, science studies. PE1128.A2E745 1995 IN
Book Baez, Benjamin. Intellectual property in the information age : knowledge as commodity and its legal implications for higher education. KF2979.S7 2009 IN
Book Bagby, Janet H. Early childhood activities for creative educators. CRC LB1139.35.A37B75 2001 IN
Book Bagdasarian, Ross. A Chipmunk Christmas. CRC Pic.S86 1985 IN
Book Bagert, Brod. Edgar Allan Poe. CRC PS2605.B34 1995 IN
Book Baggage, Ross, 1949- The Soviets in the Pacific in the 1990s. Pac.DK68.7.P16S67 1989 IN
 5 Baggett, Blaine
Book Baggini, Julian. The pig that wants to be eaten : 100 experiments for the armchair philosopher. B68.B14 2006 IN
Book Bagin, Donald, 1938- The school and community relations. LC221.K56 1994 IN
Book Bagley, Desmond, 1923- The enemy. PB BAG 2003 IN
Book Bagley, Ralph F., Jr. In the United States court of appeals for the ninth circuit, no. 75-1859. ARC. 2105:3 IN
Book Baglin, Douglas. The dark Australians. Pac.GN665.B24 1970 IN
 2 Baglin, Douglass.
Book Baglio, Ben M. Colt on Christmas Eve. CRC Juv..B14 2005 IN
Book Bagnato, Stephen J. Authentic assessment for early childhood intervention : best practices. RJ135.B14 2007 IN
Book Bagnis, Raymond. Fish poisoning in the South Pacific. Pac.QL618.7.B35 IN
Book Bagnis, Raymond, 1932- Fish poisoning in Tonga, Niue, Western Samoa, and American Samoa. Pac.QL618.7B38 1976 IN
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