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Book Brakeman, Lynne. Chronology of women worldwide : people, places & events that shaped women's history. Ref.HQ1121.C617 1997 IN
Book Braley, Richard Environmental monitoring study of airport runway expansion site, Moen, Truk, Eastern Caroline Islands : Part B: monitoring study : report 2 : 1980 survey. Pac.TL726.9.T77A54 1980 IN
 2 Brameld, Theodore Burghard Hurt, 1904-
Book Brams, Steven J. Paradoxes in politics : an introduction to the nonobvious in political science. JA74.B73 1976 IN
Book Bramstedt, Katrina A. The organ donor experience : good samaritans and the meaning of altruism. RD129.5.B73 2011 IN
Book Branagh, Kenneth. Shakespeare and Macbeth : the story behind the play. PR2823.R68 1994 IN
Book Branch, Glenn. Not in our classrooms : why intelligent design is wrong for our schools. BL263.N84 2006 IN
Serial Branch, James B. The waste bin : nuclear waste dumping and storage in the Pacific.
Book Branch of Land Resources Divisions od Lands and Surveys Meet Birgus Latro : mrs. coconut crab. Pac.SH380.45.B5K6 IN
 2 Branch, Taylor.
Book Brancroft, Hubert Howe. The new Pacific. Pac.DU29.B22 1912 IN
Book Brand, Iain, author. Supersimple chemistry : the ultimate bite-size study guide. QD37 .S32 2020 IN
Book Brand, Jack, 1934- British parliamentary parties : policy and power. JN1121.B73 1992 IN
Book Brand, Max, 1958- Word savvy : integrated vocabulary, spelling & word study, grades 3-6. LB1576.B583 2004 IN
Book Brande, Dorothea, 1893-1948. Becoming a writer. PN3355.B7 1981 IN
Book Brandeis University. Dilemmas in youth employment programming : findings from the Youth Research and Technical Assistance Project. Gov.HD6273.D54 1992 IN
Book Branden, Nathaniel. Psychology of self-esteem : a new concept of man's psychological nature. BF697.B7 1971 IN
Book Brandenberg, Alik, ill. How a book is made. CRC Z116.A2A42 1986 IN
Book Brandenberg, Oliver. Biosafety resource book. FAO.TP248.2.B5623 2011 IN
 2 Brander, Bruce.
Book Brandes, E. W. (Elmer Walker), 1891- Into primeval Papua by seaplane : seeking disease-resisting sugar cane, scientists find neolithic man in unmapped nooks of sorcery and cannibalism. Pac.DU740.B73 1929 IN
Book Brandjes, Paul L. M. Feasibility study for a latorex plant to be constructed at Ponape. Pac.TP828.P7B73 1979 IN
Book Brandman, Tony Busy week. CRC.Pic. B73 1996 IN
Video Brando, Marlon Apocalypse now. MITC DVD 297 A IN
Video Brando, Marlynn. Christopher Columbus. MITC VC 695 IN
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