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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Fox, Frank, 1874-1960 The mastery of the Pacific : can the British Empire and the United States agree?. Pac.DU29.F67 1970 IN
Book Fox, Fred K. WIDE Mic-American concept for economic development of the Western Pacific Islands. Pac.HC687.M5 W48 IN
Book Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, 1941- Within the plantation household : Black and White women of the Old South. HQ1438.A13F69 1988 IN
Book Fox, Howard N. A new romanticism : sixteen artists from Italy. N6918.F69 1985 IN
Book Fox, James, 1945- Life. ML420.R515A3 2010 IN
Book Fox, James J., 1940- The Austronesians : historical and comparative perspectives. Pac.DU28.3.A89 1995 IN
Book Fox, John, 1955- Finding what you didn't lose : expressing your truth and creativity through poem-making. PN1059.A9F68 1995 IN
Book Fox, John P. Germany and the Far Eastern crisis, 1931-1938 : a study in diplomacy and ideology. DS518.3.F68 1982 IN
Book Fox, Jonathan, 1968- Bringing religion into international relations. BL65.I55F83 2004 IN
Book Fox, Joy A first hygiene book for village schools in tropical regioms. Pac.RA445.J36 IN
Mixed Fox, Kathleen Impact of obesity on work productivity and role disability in individuals with and at risk for diabetes millitus. VF 324 ROD 2009 IN
Book Fox, Kathryn. Without consent. PB FOX 2007 IN
Book Fox, Kathryn, 1966- Skin and bone. PB FOX 2008 OUT
Video Fox Lorber Home Video The Bolivian diary. MITC VC 1284 IN
Mixed Fox, Mary Jane If you think you're naked, you are!. Pac.LB1139.23.F69 2000 IN
Book Fox, Mary Virginia. Cuba. F1758.5.F69 1999 IN
Book Fox, Mem. Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge. CRC PZ7.F8373 2015 IN
Book Fox, Mem, 1946- The magic hat. CRC PZ8.3.F8245 2002 IN
Video Fox, Micheal J. Bright lights, big city. MITC VC 939 IN
Video Fox, Mike Post secondary education in the Pacific region. MITC DVD 57 IN
 5 Fox, Morris G.
Book Fox, Morris G. Social Welfare Adviser. Preliminary assessment of social welfare needs and resources in the Trust Territory of the Pacific islands. Pac.HV516.F6 1970 IN
Book Fox, Morris G. United Nations Social Welfare Adviser for the Pacific. Strengthening the contributions of social services to the development of the Trust Territory of the Pacific islands : Findings and recommendations of Morris G. Fox. Pac.HV516.F6 1971 IN
Book Fox, Paula. One-Eyed Cat. CRC PZ7.F83 1993 IN
Book Fox, Richard, 1945- Teaching and learning : the essential readings. LB1027.T335 2002 IN
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