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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Bee, Helen L. The developing child. BF721.B336 2010 IN
Book Beeby, Alan. First ecology. QH541.14.B43 1997 IN
Book Beeby, C. E. (Clarence Edward), 1902- Assessment of Indonesian education : a guide in planning. LA1271.B39 1979 IN
Book Beechert, Alice M., 1926- From Kona to Yenan : the political memoirs of Koji Ariyoshi. Pac.DU624.7.J3A75 2000 IN
Book Beechert, Edward D. From Kona to Yenan : the political memoirs of Koji Ariyoshi. Pac.DU624.7.J3A75 2000 IN
Book Beechert, Edward D., joint ed. Plantation workers : resistance and accommodation. Pac.HD8039.P496P166 1993 IN
Book Beechey, Frederick William, 1796-1856. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait. Pac.DU19.A1B31 IN
Mixed Beeh, Peter. Pohnpei island's complex culture. VerF 0494.96 Pac IN
Book Beehler, Bruce M. A naturalist in New Guinea. Pac. QL691 .N48 B45 1991 IN
Book Beer, George Louis, 1872-1920. British colonial policy, 1754-1765. JV1011.B5 1958 IN
Book Beer, Samuel H., 1911- Britain against itself : the contradictions of Collectivism. JN134.B43 1982 IN
Book Beerbower, James R. Search for the past : an introduction to paleontology. QE711.B39 1968 IN
Book Beers, G. Kylene, 1957- When kids can't read, what teachers can do : a guide for teachers, 6-12. LB1050.5.B45 2003 IN
Book Beers, Henry Putney 1907- American naval occupation and government of Guam, 1898-1902. Pac.VA52.A24 no.6 IN
Book Beers, Mark H. The merck manual of medical information. Ref.RC81.M47 1997 IN
Book Beers, V. Gilbert (Victor Gilbert), 1928- Coco's Candy shop. CRC PZ7.B39 1973 IN
Video Beery, Noah, 1913. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
 22 Beesey, Cathy
Book Beeson, Paul B. (Paul Bruce), 1908- The Oxford companion to medicine. Ref.R121.O88 1986 IN
Book Beethoven Ludwig Van The blue Pacific. Pac.ML3920.G86 2013 IN
Book Beeton, Sue. Ecotourism : a practical guide for rural communities. G155.A75B44 1998 IN
Book Beets, Gijs. Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe : insights and lessons from comparative research. Doc.HB991.D96 2002 IN
Book Beezley, William H. The Oxford history of Mexico. F1226.O94 2000 IN
Book Beffart, Mark, 1053- Paris for free (or extremely cheap) : hundreds of free & inexpensive things to do in Paris. Ref.DC708.B43 1997 IN
Book Begg, Alistair What angels wish they knew : the basics of true Christianity. BT1102.B334 1998 IN
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