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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Coutts, P. J. F. (Peter J. F.) An archaeological perspective of Panay Island, Philippines. Pac.GN855.P5C68 1983 IN
 3 Covey, Stephen R.
Book Covin, Carol L. The best computer jobs in America : twenty minutes form home. QA76.25.C83 2002 IN
Book Cowan, Carla Romaine. E-commerce careers in multimedia. QA76.575.C685 2001 IN
Book Cowan, Denys. Fight for tomorrow. CRC PN6727.W59F54 2008 IN
Book Cowan, Ian McT. Science and development in the Pacific Islands.
Book Cowan, Marjorie Kelly. Foundations in microbiology : basic principles. QR41.2.T35 2009 IN
 3 Cowan, Peter A.
Book Cowan, Ralph Wolfe Portrait painting " the noblest art " : a personal vision. TR681.F3C83 IN
Book Cowan, Ron. The teacher's grammar of English : a course book and reference guide. PE1128.A2C69347 2008 IN
Book Cowart, Jim F., 1937- Games for people with sensory impairments : strategies for including individuals of all ages. HV1767.L54 1996 IN
 2 Cowdrey, Albert E.
Book Cowell, Adrian. The tribe that hides from man. F2520.1.K7C68 1974 IN
Book Cowell, Alan. Killing the wizards : wars of power and freedom from Zaire to South Africa. DT1165.C68 1992 IN
Book Cowell, Don R. Appraisal report covering vacant land involved in the Wichon River water project Peniesene Village, Moen Island, Truk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HD1129.F4A55 IN
 2 Cowell, (Don R.) & Associates.
 2 Cowell, (Don R.) & Associates, Inc.
Book Cowell, Don R., M.A.I. Valuation study covering Continental Hotel site, Net Municipality, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : for the Honorable Edward E. Johnston, High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands /. Pac.HD1387.V34 IN
Book Cowell, Henry R. Preliminary valuation report covering Taketik Island, Ponape District, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HJ2844.M5C69 1970 IN
Book Cowell, M.A.I. Valuation study covering Continental Hotel site, Net Municipality, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : for the Honorable Edward E. Johnston, High Commissioner of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands /. Pac.HD1387.V34 IN
Book Cowell, T.R. Pacific compendium : statistical and general information on the Pacific Islands associated with the South Pacific Commission. Pac.HC683.C68 IN
Mixed Cowen, Robert. Galileo rocks. VF 79 COW 2000 IN
 2 Cowie, Anthony Paul.
Book Cowie, Fiona, 1963- What's within? : nativism reconsidered. BF341.C68 1999 IN
Book Cowie, Richard A. Quality assurance for microbiology in feed analysis laboratories. FAO.SF97.C69 2013 IN
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