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  Author Title Call Number Status
Mixed Kin, Weit Sapuk anthem. VerF.116 Pac. IN
 2 Kinan, Irene
Book Kinata, Chris. Running Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. HF5548.4.M523D63 1995 OUT
 2 Kincaid, Harold L.
Book Kincaid, Lucy. Cheepy chick's holiday. CRC PZ7.K57 1984 OUT
Book Kincaid, P. Jean, Coordinator. Nutrition Survey - September 30, 1973. Pac.TX360.T7T7 IN
Book Kinch, Jeff Trochus in the Pacific Islands : a review of the fisheries, management and trade. Pac.SH377.5.G555 2020 IN
Book Kincheloe, Joe L. Contextualizing teaching : introduction to education and educational foundations. LB1025.3.K583 2000 IN
Book Kindem, Gorham Anders. Introduction to media production : the path to digital media production. PN1995.9.P7K57 2004 IN
Book Kinder, William A. College of Micronesia : the Land Grant College of the Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands and Republic of Palau : "Agenda for the future". Pac.LA2270.M5K53 IN
Book Kindred, Leslie W. (Leslie Withrow) 1905-1986. The school and community relations. LC221.K56 1994 IN
Book Kinere, Atelia R. Tamuhuwel se nevalihl. Pac.PL6252.K86E45 1981 IN
 3 Kinere, Tulen.
Book King, Alan, 1927- Name dropping : the life and lies of Alan King. PN2287.K6687A3 1996 IN
Book King, Alexander, ill. The last paradise : an American's 'discovery' of Bali in the 1920s. DS647.B2P6 1986 IN
 7 King, Andrew.
Book King, Arthur R., Jr. Courtroom : A workshop in argumentation and persuasion. Pac.KF9656.C68 1983 IN
Book King, Ben F. A field guide to the birds of South-East Asia, covering Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Hong Kong. QL691.S66K56 1975 IN
Serial King, Bill. Ulithi : dancing and diplomas.
Book King, Calista. The heartbeat of Japan : a guide to japanese culture, including language, art, foods, sports, and more. DS821.K58 2011 IN
Video King, Carole. The songmakers collection. MITC VC 600 A IN
Video King, Chyld The fog of war. Errol Morris film. MITC DVD 102 IN
Book King, David B. Essays on culture and society in modern Germany. DD66.E7 1982 IN
Video King, Edward CCM graduation ceremony. MITC DVD 917 IN
Mixed King, Edward C. Anthropology and the law in the Trust Territory of the Pacific islands. Pac.GN669.K56 IN
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