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  Author Title Call Number Status
Map National Geophysical Data Center. Bathymetry of Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair. Gov.C55.220/10:MGG-13 OUT
Serial National Government Family health chronicle : an official publication for the people and the activities of FSM on maternal, child and family health program. Pac.Per.RJ102.M5F36 1986 IN
Book National Government. Micronesia (Federated States). Comprehensive annual unaudited financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997. Pac.HJ1601.M625N38 IN
Book National government publication Petrology of the Tertiary caldera, Tavua Goldfield. Pac.QE349.F5 A25 v. 3 IN
Book National Governors' Association. Building professional development systems for the afterschool field. Gov.HE 23.1402:AF 8/2 IN
 3 National Governors' Association. Center for Best Practices.
Book National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (U.S.). Atlantic Ecology Division. Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA) estuaries, 1997-98 : summary report : environmental conditions in the mid-Atlantic estuaries. Gov.EP1.2:M58/20/SUM. IN
Book National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (U.S.). Gulf Ecology Division. The ecological condition of estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico. Gov.EP1.2:ES8/5 IN
Book National Health Promotion and Protection Branch. National alcohol action plan : 1995-1997. HV5296.N32C578 1996 IN
 9 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Book National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Eating with your heart in mind. CRC.RJ399.H94E28 1992 IN
Serial National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Office of Prevention, Education, and Control. HeartMemo. Gov.HE3225: IN
Book National High Blood Pressure Education Program. Coordinationg Committee. Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Gov.HE20.32202:B62/16/1995 IN
 2 National Historical Society.
Book National Human Development Conference (1975 : Kolonia, Micronesia (Federated States)) Developing Micronesia's people : Conference on Human Development held in Kolonia, Ponape, Mar. 4-8, 1975. Pac.HD5851.M5C65 IN
Book National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) How DNA can help identify individuals. Gov.HE20.3002:D44/6 OUT
Book National Immunization Program (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. Ref.RA643.E65 2000 IN
Book National Insitute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S) Report of the National Reading Panel : teaching children to read : an evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. Gov.HE20.3352: R 22 IN
Book National Insitute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Prevent diabetes problems : keep your kidneys healthy. CRC RC660.P74k 2000 IN
Book National Insitute of Justice (U.S.) Criminal justice 2000. Gov. J 28.2: C 86/22/v.1 IN
Serial National Insitute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S.) Alcohol alert. Gov.HE20.8322: IN
Serial National Insitute on Early Childhood Development and Educaiton (U.S.). Early childhood update. Gov. ED.1.343: IN
Book National Insitute on Early Childhood Development and Education (U.S.) New teachers for a new century : the future of early childhood professional preparation. Gov.ED1.2:T22/13 IN
Book National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U.S.) Prevent diabetes problems : keep your nervous system healthy. Gov.HE20.3326:D 54/7 IN
Book National Institute for Literacy (U.S.) Put reading first : the research building blocks for teaching children to read : kindergarten through grade 3. LB1525.3.P88 2001 IN
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