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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial National Aeronautics and Space Administration. PEACESAT : Pan Pacific Education and Communications Experiment by Satellite.
 7 National Agricultural Library (U.S.)
Book National Agricultural Research Institute (Papua New Guinea Recently released technologies for Papua New Guinean farmers. Pac.S542.P35A46 2008 IN
Book National Agricultural Statistics Service. Agricultural statistics. Gov.A 1.47: 2013 IN
Book National Aquaculture Center. Sensory evaluation of fresh and frozen giant clams. Pac.HD9472.C53P42 1993b IN
 2 National Archives of Australia.
Book National Archives (U.S.) Federal records of World War II. Pac.Z6207.W8U767 1982 IN
Book National Asian/Pacific American Education Alliance. Asian/Pacific American education agenda for the 1980's. Pac.LC3731.A83 IN
Computer National Assessment of Education Progress (Project) The NAEP 1997 arts report card eighth-grade findings from the National Assessment of Education Progress. Gov.ED1.334/2:AR7/CD OUT
Book National Assessment Synthesis Team (U.S.) Climate change impacts on the United States : the potential consequences of climate variablity and change : overview. Gov.NS1.2:C 61 IN
Book National Assessment Synthesis Team (U.S.). Coastal Areas and Marine Resources Sector Team. Coastal areas and marine resources : the potential consequences of climate variability and change. Gov.C55.2:C63/17 IN
Book National Association for Foreign Student Affairs. Health care for the Pacific Island student. Pac.R847.5.H43 1986 IN
Book National Association for Sport and Physical Education. Physical education for lifelong fitness : the Physical Best teacher's guide. GV365.P4992 2005 IN
 2 National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Book National Association of College and University Attorneys. Access to institutions of higher education for students with disabilities. LC89.K16 2005 IN
 3 National Association of College and University Attorneys (U.S.)
Book National Association of Educational Broadcasters. Office of Research and Development. Educational development in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a study of educational needs and requirements and a plan for meeting them/. Pac.LA2270.T7A37 IN
Book National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. Meeting. Proceedings of the ... annual Meeting. LB2301.N375 2000 IN
Book National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. Office of Communications Services. The State of the arts at state universities & land-grant colleges. NX304.S8 1979 IN
Book National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (U.S.) Good practice in student affairs : principles to foster student learning. LB2342.9.G66 1999 IN
Book National Associations of College and University Attorneys. Accommodating faculty and staff with psychiatric disabilities. KF4243.A369L51 2003 IN
Book National Audubon Society. A field guide to mushrooms : North America. Ref.QK617.M424 1987 IN
Book National Basketball Coaches Association. NBA coaches playbook : techniques, tactics, and teaching points. GV889.N342 2009 OUT
Book National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Federated States of Micronesia Fourth National Report : Implementation of Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, (2010).
 2 National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Team of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
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