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Video Weber, Eugne Joseph, 1925- The western tradition--Program 31: The age of absolutism; Program 32: Absolutism & the social contract. MITC VC 1030 P IN
Book Weber, George F. (George Frederick), 1894. Bacterial and fungal diseases of plants in the tropics. SB605.T7W4 1973 IN
Book Weber, Hans H., 1935- joint author. World War II and its origins : a select annotated bibliography of books in English. Z6207.W8B5 1976 IN
Book Weber, Mary Beth Cataloging nonprint and internet resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. Ref.Z695.24.W36 2002 IN
 2 Weber, Michael (Michael L.)
Book Weber, Myles. Consuming silences : how we read authors who don't publish. PS379.W35 2005 IN
Book Weber, Rich, ill. The musical mealtime machine. CRC Pic.S59 IN
Book Weber, Robert M. Opportunities in automotive service careers. TL152.W37 1997 IN
Book Weber, Sandra, 1961- Yemen. DS247.Y48 2003 IN
 2 Webster, Chris.
 2 Webster, Christine.
Book Webster, Donovan. The Burma road : the epic story of the China-Burma-India theater in World War II. D767.6.W44 2003 IN
Book Webster, Elizabeth Reader's digest condesed books, 1993. PN6013.5.R22p 1993 IN
Book Webster, Janet G. Information and knowledge sharing. FAO.SH328.I495 2009 IN
Book Webster, Lois Wimberg. Malo, Tupou : an oral history. Pac.DU880.P67 1996 IN
Book Webster, Noah, 1758-1843. Webster's new twentieth century dictionary of the English language, unabridged : based upon the broad foundations laid down by Noah Webster. Ref.PE1625.W4 1983 IN
Computer Webster Publishing. Whales & dolphins of the world. CD ROM 0395 1997 IN
Serial Webster, Robert D. (Robert Dale), 1950- Genera of New World Eragrostideae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae). Gov. SI 1.29:87 IN
Book Webster, William G., (William Gerald) Learner-centered principalship : the principal as teacher of teachers. LB2831.92.W435 1994 IN
Book WEC Commission. Energy for tomorrow's world : the realities, the real options, and the agenda for achievement. HD9502.A2E54392 1993 IN
Book WECAFC Ad Hoc Flyingfish Working Group of the Eastern Caribbean. Meeting (3rd : 2008 : Mount Irvine, Trinidad and Tobago) Report of the Third Meeting of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Flyingfish Working Group of the Eastern Caribbean, Mount Irvine, Tobago, 21-21 July 2008. FAO.SH331.F2 2010 no.929 IN
Book Wechsler, David WAIS-R manual : wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised. CRC BF432.5.W4W34 1981 IN
 2 Wechsler, David, 1896-
Book Weckler, Joseph E. Land and livelihood on Mokil, an atoll in the Eastern Carolines Part I. Pac.DU568.M7W45 IN
Book Weckler, Joseph Edwin, 1906- Polynesians, explorers of the Pacific. Pac.GN4.S6 No.6 IN
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