Author |
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Call Number |
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Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Safety Standards and Surveying (2002 : Nadi, Fiji Islands)
Report of the Workshop on the Role of Maritime Administrations in Safety Standards and Surveying, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 11-15 November 2002.
Pac.VK541.W677 2002
Workshop on the Security of Oceania in the 1990s (1989 : Canberra, Australia).
The security of Oceania in the 1990s : vol. 1: Views from the region.
Pac.UA876.O3S43 1989 vol. I
Workshop on the year 2000 problem (1998 : Honolulu, Hawaii)
Workshop on Trade Finance in Transition Economies (1997 : Geneva, Switzerland)
A primer for trade finance in transition economies.
Doc.HG3753.P75 2007
Workshop on Weapons Collection and Integration of Former Combatants into Civil Society 1998 : Guatemala City.
Workshop on Weapons Collection and Integration of Former Combatants into Civil Society : the experiences of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua : Guatemala City, 18-20 November 1998.
Doc.KZ5624.W67 1998
Workshop on Women and Development (1996 : Pouembout, New Caledonia)
Workshop on Women and Development (Pouembout, New Caledonia, 16-21 September 1996) : women involved in the development planning process : report.
Pac.HQ1865.6.W675 1997
Workshop to Further Develop, Test and Apply a Method for the Estimation of Tuna Fishing Capacity from Stock Assessment-Related Information (2007 : La Jolla, Calif.)
Estimation of tuna fishing capacity from stock assessment-related information : workshop to further develop, test and apply a method for the estimation of tuna fishing capacity from stock assessment-related information, 14-16 May 2007, La Jolla, California, United States of America.
FAO.SH3.F27 2009 no. 16
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action.
Breastfeeding : a reproductive health and rights issue.
RJ216.M52 2006
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. Gender Working Group.
Against all odds : gendered challenges to breastfeeding.
RJ216.A1 2006
World Almanac Library (Firm)
Inside the earth.
QE29.I57 2001
World Archaeological Congress (4th : January 10 to 14, 1999 University of Cape Town)
Symposium: art, cognition and belief : interpreting Pohnpei petroglyphs.
Pac.GN799.P66R3 1999
World Bank.
World Bank. East Asia and Pacific Regional Office.
World Bank. East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. Country Department III.
Managing urban environmental sanitation services in selected Pacific island countries.
Pac.HT243.O3M26 1995
World Bank. East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. Country Dept. III.
World Bank. Environmental Department.
Mainstreaming the environment : the World Bank Group and the environment since the Rio Earth Summit : fiscal 1995 : summary.
GE170.M37 1995
World Bank. Global Environment Coordination.
Facing the global environment challenge : a progress report on World Bank global environmental operations.
World Bank Group.
Pacific possible : Long-term economic opportunities and challenges for Pacific Island Countries.
Pac.HC681.P11W89 2017
World Bank Group. International Monetary Fund.
2004 Small states forum : October 3, 2004 : Background Information : partner institution progress reports on the small states task force report agenda.
Pac.JC365.W89 2004
World Bank. Human Development Network.
Combating malnutrition : time to act.
RA645.N87C65 2003
World Bank III.
The globalisation of poverty : impacts of IMF and World Bank Reform.
HG3881.5.I58C47 1998
World Bank. Socio-Economic Data Division.
Social indicators of development.
World Book, Inc.
World Commission on Culture and Development.
Our creative diversity : report of the World Commission on culture and development.
CB430.O93 1996
World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen bombs (1982 : Tokyo/Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
Documents, August 1-8, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki : 1982 World Conference Against A & H Bombs.
Pac.JX1974.7.D63 1982