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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book United Nations. Dept. for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development. Small islands : selected funding sources for environmental projects accessible to small islands. Doc.HC59.72.E5S33 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. for Special Political Questions, Regional Co-operation, Decolonization, and Trusteeship. Decolonization : a publication of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship, and Decolonization. Pac.DU500.U5814 IN
 2 United Nations. Dept. of Economic Affairs.
 48 United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs.
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Committee for Development Planning. Session (2nd 2000 New York, N.Y.) Poverty amidst riches : report of the Committee for Development Policy on the second session (3-7 April 2000). Doc.HC59.72.I55U55 2000 IN
Book United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Committee for Development Policy. Implementing the millennium development goals : health inequality and the role of global health partnerships : policy note. Doc.RA441.5.I465 2009 IN
Book United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Governance, Public Administration and Finance. Budget reform in developing countries : papers of a workshop held in New York, 4-5 December 1997. Doc. HJ 2216 .B845 IN
Book United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Public Economics and Public Administration. Public enterprise reform and performance contracting : the state of the art : report and papers of an International Conference on Performance Contracting, New Delhi, 13-15 January 1997. Doc.HJ9768.P886 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Division for Sustainable Development. Sustainable development success stories : special issue on small island developing states. Doc.HC79.E5S853 2001 IN
 2 United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Financing for Development Coordinating Secretariat.
 32 United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division.
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division. Monthly bulletin of statistics==Bulletin mensuel de statistique. Doc.HC57.U66 IN
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division See: United Nations. Statistical Division
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Development. Statistical Division See: United Nations. Statistical Division
United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Information. Statistics Division See: United Nations. Statistical Division
Book United Nations. Dept. of Economics and Social Affairs. Business and the United Nations : partners in sustainable development industry and technology ; based on case studies of technology transfer exhibited at the sixth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (20 April - 1 May 1998). Doc. HD 70 .D48B IN
Book United Nations. Dept. of General Assembly Affairs Conference Services. United Nations correspondence manual : a guide to the drafting processing, and dispatch of official United Nations communications. Doc.JZ4970.U55 2000 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Humanitarian Affairs. DHA news. Doc.HV553.U16 IN
 7 United Nations. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs
Serial United Nations. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs. Population Division. Population newsletter. Doc.HB848.P64 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization. Decolonization : a publication of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs, Trusteeship, and Decolonization. Pac.DU500.U5814 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Political and Security Council Affairs. Repertoire of the practice of the Security Council. Doc.JZ5006.5.R46 2007 IN
 24 United Nations. Dept. of Public Information.
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Public Information. Peace and Security Section. Year in review ... United Nations peace missions. Doc.JZ4945.Y43 IN
Serial United Nations. Dept. of Social Affairs. Demographic yearbook. : Annuaire demographique. Doc.HA17.D45 IN
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