View previous page View next page Author Search:  Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Education.
  Author Title Call Number Status
 4 Clearvue/eav Publishing, Inc.
 3 Cleary, Beverly.
Book Cleary, Edward C. Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States 1990-2003. Gov.TD4.152:W64 IN
Book Cleary, Thomas. The lost art of war. U101.S93513 1996 IN
Book Cleary, Thomas F., 1949- The Art of war. U101.S7 1991 IN
Book Cleaver, Bill, joint author. Queen of hearts. CRC Juv.C58 1978 IN
Book Cleaver, Tony, 1947- Economics : the basics. HB171.C655 2004 IN
 2 Cleaver, Vera.
Book Clegg, Douglas, 1958- Naomi. PB CLE 2001 IN
Book Clegg, Jenny. China’s global strategy : towards a multipolar world. DS777.55.C43 2009 IN
Serial Cleghorn, Paul L. Prehistoric use of the interior of southern Guam.
Book Clemen, Wolfgang. A midsummer night's dream. PR2827.A2C56 1987 OUT
Book Clemens, Mark H. Schematic plan and narrative for a residential subdivision of public land at Southfield Moen Island, Truk District. Pac.HT169.57.C58C54 1970 IN
Book Clement, Harry G. The future of tourism in the Pacific and Far East : a report prepared by Checchiand Company under contract with the United States Department of Commerce and Co-sponsored by the Pacific Area Travel Association. Pac.G155.A1C45 IN
Book Clement, Harry G., Vice-President, Checchi and Co., Wash., D.C. The future of tourism in the Pacific and Far East : a report prepared by Checchiand Company under contract with the United States Department of Commerce and Co-sponsored by the Pacific Area Travel Association. Pac.G155.A1C45 IN
 2 Clement, I.T.
Book Clement, Russell T. Who's who in Oceania. Pac.CT2775.W48 IN
Book Clement, Serge, 1950- The joy of art : a creative guide for beginning painters. Ref.ND1500.K13 2000 IN
Book Clement, Vonnie V Research and intervention: preventing substance abuse in higher education. Gov.ED1.302:SU1 IN
 2 Clements, Andrew, 1949-
Book Clements, Collen D., joint author. Aids, health, and mental health : a primary sourcebook. RA644.A25L364 1993 IN
 2 Clements, David R.
Book Clements, Harry F., 1901- Sugarcane crop logging and crop control : principles and practices. SB231.C59 1980 IN
 3 Clements, James F.
Mixed Clements, John The impact of immunization control activities on measles outbreaks in middle and low income countries. VerF.093.2 Pac. IN
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