View previous page View next page Author Search:  Stauth, Cameron.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Stoddart, D. R. Tsunamis and coral reefs. Pac.QE565.A8 2007 no.544 IN
Book Stoddart, David Ecology of Aldabra Atoll, Indian Ocean. Pac.QE565.A8 1967 nos.118,119 IN
Book Stoebuck, William B. The law of property. Ref.KF570.C86 2000 IN
Mixed Stoffel, Emilly M. Abundance distribution of holothuroids (echinodermata:holothuroidea) on a windward and leeward fringing coral reef, Guam, Mariana Islands/. VerF.141.2 Pac. IN
Book Stogdill, Ralph Melvin, 1904- Stogdill's handbook of leadership : a survey of theory and research. HM141.S83 1981 IN
 4 Stoicovy, Catherine E.
 2 Stojkovich, Jeanine O.
Book Stoker, Bram Dracula. CRC.PZ6.S76 2000 IN
Book Stoker, Bram 1847-1912. Dracula. PB STO 2003 OUT
Book Stoker, Gerry. Theory and methods in political science. JA71.T497 2002 IN
Book Stokes, William Lee, 1915- Introduction to geology, physical and historical. QE26.2.S75 1978 OUT
Book Stokstad, Marilyn, 1929- Art : a brief history. N5300.S923 2003 IN
Book Stollenwerk, Debra A. The art of classroom management : effective practices for building equitable learning communities.
Book Stoller, Nicholas. Meet the Muppets. CRC Pic.S5 2011 IN
Book Stolley, Kathy S. The basics of sociology. HM585.S6 2005 IN
Book Stoltenberg, John. Refusing to be a man : essays on sex and justice. HQ1075.5.U6S76 1989 OUT
Book Stolton, Sue. Evaluating effectiveness : a framework for assessing the management of protected areas. S944.5.P78H63 2000 IN
Book Stolz, Mary. The Explorer of Barkham Street. CRC Juv.S86 1985 IN
Book Stone, Alan, 1931- Regulation and its alternatives. KF1600.S69 1982 IN
 3 Stone, Benjamin
 8 Stone, Benjamin C.
Book Stone, Benjamin C., Formerly Chairman, Department of Biology, College of Guam; Reader in Botany in the School of Biological Sciences of The University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) The flora of Guam : a manual for the identification of the vascular plants of the island. Pac.QK473G9S75 IN
Book Stone, Benjamin C., Res. Asst., Botany Dept., University of Hawaii. A brief field guide to the plants of Majuro, Marshall Islands. Pac.QK473.M37S7 IN
 2 Stone, Christopher
Book Stone, David J. Free association must be free: (or--why in certain circumstances, Micronesians may feel that independence is best). Pac.JQ6451.A5S75 IN
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