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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Eastman Jr., James N., Chief, Research Branch, The Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center. The Army Air Forces in World War II : combat chronology, 1941-1945. Pac.D790.C29 IN
Book Eastman, Kevin. Teenage mutant ninja turtles : the storybook based on the movie. CRC PZ7.H41 1990 IN
Book Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.) Are you my mother?. CRC Pic.E7 1960 IN
Book Easton, Brian The commercialisation of New Zealand. Pac.HC663.E7 1997 IN
Book Easton, Lois Brown. The other side of curriculum : lessons from learners. LB2806.15.E29 2002 IN
Video Eastwood, Clint A fistful of dollars. MITC VC 1320 IN
Video Eastwood, Clint 1930- Piano blues The blues. MITC VC 1250 OUT
Book Easwaran, Eknath. Gandhi, the man. DS481.G3E19 1978 OUT
Book Eaton, Charles. Developing a viable horticultural export sector in the small island economies of the South Pacific. Pac.HD9018.O3M34 1989 IN
Book Eaton, Charles, 1934- Commercial management companies in the agricultural development of the Pacific Islands. Pac. HD9018 .P16 M38 1992 IN
Book Eaton, Gordon P., Director, U.S. Geological Survey. Water-quality reconnaissance of ground water in the inhabited outer islands of Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia, 1984-85. Pac.GB1199.8.M625H46 1996 IN
Book Eaton, Peter. Land tenure and conservation : protected areas in the South Pacific. Pac.HC681.Z9E5762 IN
Book Eatwell, John. The New Palgrave : a dictionary of economics. Ref.HB61.N49 1987 IN
Book Eban, Abba Solomon, 1915- Heritage : civilization and the Jews. DS117.E18 1984 IN
Book Ebbing, Darrell. Essentials of general chemistry. QD33.2.E25 2006 IN
 6 Ebbing, Darrell D.
Book Ebdon, Richard. IFLA/UNESCO survey on digitisation and preservation. Z681.3.D53G68 1999 IN
Book Ebenstein, William, 1910- American democracy in world perspective. JK261.A66 1980 IN
Serial Eberhard, William G. The functional morphology of male cerci and associated characters in 13 species of tropical earwigs. Gov. SI 1.27:555 IN
Book Eberhard, Wolfram, 1909- Studies in Taiwanese folktales. GR338.F4 IN
Book Eberhardt, Michael C. Body of a crime : novel. PB EBE OUT
Book Eberhart, George M. The whole library handbook 2 : current data, professional advice, and curiosa about libraries and library services. Ref.Z665.2.U6E23 1995 IN
Book Ebert, David A., author. North Atlantic sharks relevant to fisheries management : a pocket guide. Pac.SH351.S6E24 2012 IN
Book Ebert, James David, 1921- Interacting systems in development. QL955.E3 1970 IN
Book Ebert, Ronald J. Business essentials. HD70.U5E3 2000 IN
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