View previous page View next page Author Search:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.),
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Center for Archipelago, Law, and Development Studies. Sustainable development and preservation of the oceans : the challenges of UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and Agenda 21. GC1081.L38 1995 IN
Video Center for Black Studies Research Poto Mitan Haitian women. MITC DVD 610 A IN
 4 Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (U.S.). Biogeography Team.
Book Center for Disease Control. Control of communicable diseases manual. Ref.RA643.C66 2008 IN
Book Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Pacific diabetes today: lessons learned. Pac.RA645.D5P11 2003 IN
Book Center for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) A pubic health action plan to prevent heart disease and stroke. Gov.HE20.7002:H35/2 EXE. SUM IN
 2 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention.
Book Center for Evaluation, Development, and Research. Phi Delta Kappa. Inclusion : moving beyond our fears. LB1028.5.I52C46 1994 OUT
 2 Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (U.S.)
Computer Center for Field Assistance and Applied Research (Peace Corps) Sharing promising practices. Gov.PE1.13:SH 2/CD OUT
Book Center for International Research (U.S.) Women of the world : a chartbook for developing regions. Pac.HQ1870.9.J36 1985 IN
Book Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM). Proceedings of the 4th IFOAM-Asia "99 scientific conference : people first in Asia organic agriculture, 18-21 November 1999, Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City, Philippines. Pac.S605.5.P76 1999 IN
 2 Center for Marine Conservation.
Book Center for Mediterranean Studies. Greece in the 1940s : a nation in crisis. DF833.G7 1981 IN
 7 Center for Mental Health Services (U.S.)
Book Center for Migration Studies (U.S.) Pacific bridges : the new immigration from Asia and the Pacific Islands. Pac.JV8490.P33 1987 IN
Book Center for Minority Group Mental Health Programs (U.S.) Institutional racism and community competence. E184.A1I58 1981 IN
 4 Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (U.S.)
 12 Center for Occupational Research and Development.
Book Center for Pacific and Asian Studies. The first taint of civilization : a history of the Caroline and Marshall Islands in pre-colonial days, 1521-1885. Pac.DU565.H49 1983 IN
Mixed Center for Pacific Island Studies Niche or mass market? the regional context of tourism in Palau.
Center for Pacific Islands Studies See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Center for Pacific Islands Studies.
Book Center for Pacific Islands Studies. University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Strangers in their own land : a century of colonial rule in the Caroline and Marshall Islands. Pac.DU565.H49 1995 (pbk.) c.2 IN
Book Center for Public Integrity. The buying of the president : an inside look at the special interests behind Clinton, Dole, Gramm, Wilson, Alexander, Buchanan, and others. JK1991.L49 1996 IN
Book Center for Research and Education. Supplemental report of training of peace corps volunteers in Micronesia. Pac.HC60.5.D48 1970 IN
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