View previous page View next page Author Search:  Ramasamy, Selvaraju, joint author.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Quintal, Denise. Cultural and socio-economic determinants of energy consumption on small remote islands. VerF.1102.2013 Pac. IN
Book Quintal, Jodie. Cultural and socio-economic determinants of energy consumption on small remote islands. VerF.1102.2013 Pac. IN
Serial Quintanilla, DaDee Educational reform in Micronesia : a sense of courage.
Book Quinton, Anthony. Hume. B1498.Q56 1999 IN
Video Quirk, Randolph Story of english I, II, III, and IV. MITC VC 188 IN
Book Quirk, Stephen J. G. Exotic seashells of the Pacific. Pac.QL428.5.A1Q8 1974 IN
Book Quirk, Tom, 1946- Moby-Dick, or, the whale. PS2384.M6M71 1992 IN
Book Quitugua, Franklin J.A. The Pacific child. Pac.LB1139.S88P11 1993 IN
Book Quitugua, Tony. The first coconut tree.
Video Qunshu, Gao The Tokyo trial. MITC DVD 371 IN
Serial Qureshi, Ayaz The politics of Pakistan's COVID-19 response : a state-in-Society approach.
Book Qutub, Syed Ayub. Trade in environmental and energy services and human development : contributing to well-being, growth and access for all.
Book R.E. Kearney An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of New Zealand. Pac.SH351.T8S51 no.6 IN
 2 R.M. Towill Corporation
Book R. Metzner Measuring and assessing capacity in fisheries : 1. Basic concepts and management options. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
 2 R.R. Bowker Company.
Book R. V. Stenson. Trust Territory Health manpower development training programs : A proposal for a continuing education program for hospital administrators. ARC. TTPI 02 IN
Book Raab, James W. J. Patton Anderson, Confederate general : a biography. E467.1.A53R11 2004 IN
Serial Raatior, Vidalino Founder, Chuuk Reform Movement Chuuk reform movement.
Book Raaymakers, Steve, Marine Pollution Advisor, SPREP, Apia, Samoa. Pacific Islands Handbook of International Marine Pollution Conventions : (consolidated texts of the main marine pollution conventions of the world and the region). Pac.GC1080 .P32 IN
Book Raban, Jonathan. Old Glory, an American voyage. F355.R11 1981 IN
Book Rabe, Monica. Sweden. CRC.GT4890.Swe 1998 IN
Book Rabiger, Michael. Directing the documentary. PN1995.9.D6R33 2004 IN
Book Rabin, Jack, 1945- Encyclopedia of public administration and public policy. Ref.JK9.E526 2003 IN
Video Rabins, Cox Shrek. MITC DVD 153 A IN
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