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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Australian National University Research School of Pacific Studies. Pacific Islands Monthly : cumulative index. Pac.Per.DU1.P145 Index 1968 IN
Book Australian National University. Research School of Social Sciences. Pacific island suicide in comparative perspective. Pac.HV6548.P11B63 1999 IN
Book Australian National University. Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. Military aspects of the West New Guinea dispute, 1958-1962. Pac.UA853.I5M16 1990 IN
Book Australian National University. Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. Research School of Pacific Studies. The Soviets in the Pacific in the 1990s. Pac.DK68.7.P16S67 1989 IN
Book Australian National University. Strategic and Defense Studies Centre. South Pacific : regional subsystem or geographical expression?.
Book Australian National Uversity. Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. A nuclear-free zone for the Southwest Pacific : prospects and significance. Pac.JZ5725.F74 1989 IN
Serial Australian News and Information Bureau. Australia now. Pac.Per.DU80.A88 IN
Book Australian Nuclear Association, Inc Proceedings, 9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Sydney, Australia 1-6 May 1994 : "Nuclear energy, science & technology Pacific partnership". Pac.TK9006.P3 1994 IN
Book Australian Red Cross. Traditional knowledge & the Pacific strategic engagement program : Report for Australian Red Cross (ARC). Pac.HV555.U62.O3A7 2008 IN
Book Australian Society of Archivisits, Inc. Selected Essays in Electronic Recordkeeping in Australia. HF5736.E43 IN
 4 Australian Society of Archivists.
 3 Australian Society of Archivists, Inc.
Book Australian Society of Archivists, Inc., ACT Branch. Debates and discourses : selected Australian writings on archival theory. 1951-1990. CD950.D43 1995 IN
Book Australian South Pacific Technical Assistance Programme. Report to the Western Pacific High Commission on the development of technical education in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. Pac.LC1047.S6C3 1966 IN
Book Australian Unesco Seminar, (1971 : National Library of Australia) Source materials related to research in the Pacific area. Pac.CD281971.A9 1973 IN
Book Austria. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie. Environmental management accounting procedures and principles. Doc.TD194.7.E57 2001 OUT
Book Austrian, Sonia G. Developmental theories through the life cycle. BF713.D469 2002 IN
Book Ausubel, David Paul. The fern and the tiki : an American view of New Zealand national character, social attitudes, and race relations. Pac.DU418.A9 1965 IN
Book Autar, Moti Lal. Soil biology & crop pests. Pac.QH84.8.A98 1998 IN
Book Auth, Janice, 1945- To Beijing and beyond : Pittsburgh and the United Nations Fourth World Conference on women. HQ1106.B43 1998 IN
 2 author.
Mixed Autrant, Michel Oyster farming in the New Hebrides. VerF.0562 Pac. IN
 2 Auvil, Ronnie J.
Book Auwaerter, John. Cultural landscape report for Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site. Gov.I 29.86/4:EL 2/V.2 IN
 7 Auwaerter, John E. (John Eric), 1964-
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