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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Townsley, Graham. Rome power & glory. MITC DVD 5 IN
Book Townsley, Philip. Local institutions and livelihoods : guidelines for analysis. FAO.HN49.C6M48 2003 IN
Book Toy, Ernest W., 1925- Adventurers afloat : a nautical bibliography : a comprehensive guide to books in English recounting the adventures of amateur sailors upon the waters of the world in yachts, boats, and other devices and including works on the arts and sciences of cruising, racing, seamanship, navigation, design, building, etc. from the earliest writings through 1986. Ref.Z7514.B6T69 1988 IN
 3 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975.
Book Toyohara, Kiyoaki, 1977- Noctural man-made trees. PL862.O968Y6713 1996 IN
 2 Tozaki, Kenji.
Book Tozer, A. W. (Aiden Wilson), 1897-1963. The knowledge of the holy : the attributes of God, their meaning in the Christian life. Ref.BT130.T65 1992 IN
Book Tr`’n, Ngoc Dung. To swim in our own pond = Ta v`ž ta tÞam ao ta : a book of Vietnamese proverbs. CRC PN6519.V5T59 1998 IN
Book Traas, Adrian George, 1934- Engineers at war. Gov.D 114.7/3:EN 3 IN
Video Trabulus, Marc Special olympics a special kind of people. MITC VC 105 IN
 2 Tracey, Joshua I. (Joshua Irving), 1915-
Book Tracey, Joshua Irving, b. 1883. Geology of Bikini and nearby atolls : Bikini and nearby atolls: Part 1, geology. Pac.QE345.M35E2 1945 IN
Book Tracey-White, J. D. Rural-urban marketing linkages : an infrastructure identification and survey guide. FAO.HF5415.12.D44T7 2005 IN
Book Trachtenberg, Alan. The incorporation of America : culture and society in the gilded age. E169.1.T72 1982 IN
Book Trachtman, Michael G. The Supremes' greatest hits : the 34 Supreme Court cases that most directly affect your life. KF8742.A4T67 2006 IN
Book Trachtman, Paul. The gunfighters. F594.T48 1974 IN
Computer Tracy, Brian, Sales mentor. CD ROM 0112 1997 IN
Book Tracy, David. A short history of the interpretation of the Bible. Ref.BS500.G7 1984 IN
Book Tracy, P. J. Dead run. PB TRA 2006 IN
Video Tracy, Spencer, 1900-1967. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
Serial Trade Information Center (U.S.) Export programs guide : a business guide to federal export assistance. Gov.C61.8:EX7/8/2006 IN
 2 Trade-Related Agenda,Development and Equity (T.R.A.D.E.)
Serial Traditional Food System of Pohnpei Breadfruit provides health benefits.
Book Traer, Robert. Doing environmental ethics. GE42.T67 2009 IN
Book Trager, James. The people's chronology : a year-by-year record of human events from prehistory to the present. Ref.D11.T83 1979 IN
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