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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book United States. Joint Committee on Compact Economic Negotiations (JCN) The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia and the Government of the United States related to the Compact of Free Association. Pac.JQ6240.A5C756 2002 IN
Book United States Library of Congress A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Samoa and Guam. Pac.Z881.U5 IN
 4 United States. Marine Corps.
Book United States. Marine Corps Command and Staff College. Theory and nature of war. Gov.D214.2:W19/v.2 IN
Computer United States. Marine Corps. District, 4th. Public Affairs Branch. Fourth forum.
 25 United States. Marine Corps. History and Museums Division.
 3 United States. Marine Corps. History and Museums Division. Historical Branch.
Book United States. Marine Corps. History and Museums Divisions. U.S. Marines in The Korean War, 2007. Gov.D 214.13:K 84/14 IN
Book United States. Marine Corps. Marines, 14th A brief history of the 14th Marines. Pac.VE23.25.B76 1990 IN
Book United States. Marine Mammal Commission. The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 as amended. Pac.QL713.2.M554M340 1995 IN
 5 United States. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Book United States. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Division of Services for Children with Special Health Needs. Implementing universal newborn hearing screening programs : early identification of hearing loss. Gov.HE 20.9202:H 35 IN
Book United States. Minerals Management Service. Proposed marine mineral lease sale in the Hawaiian Archipelago and Johnston Island exclusive economic zones : draft environmental impact statement. Pac.TN872.H3U58 IN
Book United States. Minerals Management Service. Alaska OCS Region. The Gulf of Alaska : physical environment and biological resources. QH95.35.G85 1987 IN
United States. Ministerstvo obrazovaniˆi‰a See: United States. Dept. of Education
Serial United States. Naitonal Science and Technology Council. Comparison of international transportation R&D expenditures and priorities. Gov.PREX23.14:C73 IN
Serial United States. National Aeronautical Charting Office. National Imagery and Mapping Agency nautical charts, public sales. Gov.TD4.82:1/2001 IN
 4 United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Computer United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Education Division. NASA educational products.
Book United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. History Office. Toward a history of the space shuttle : an annotated bibliography. Z5064.S8T69 2012 IN
Book United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Scientific and Technical Information Division. Where no man has gone before : a history of Apollo lunar exploration missions. TL789.8.U6A528 1989 IN
Map United States. National Agency and Mapping Agency. Indonesia, southern portion, Makassar Strait. Gov.D5.356:72085/2003 OUT
 2 United States. National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Book United States. National Agriculture Statistics Service. 1997 census of agriculture. : Volume 1. Gov.A92.53/11:AC97-A-11 IN
Book United States.. National Archives. United States Scientific geographical exploration of the Pacific Basin, 1783-1899. Pac.Z4501.U55 IN
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