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  Author Title Call Number Status
 26 United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Book United Nations. Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. Geography against development : a case for landlocked developing countries. Doc.HC59.7.C369 2006 IN
United Nations. Office of the Secretary General See: United Nations. Secretary-General
 2 United Nations. Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea.
Serial United Nations. omic Commission for Europe. Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : country report, Greece. Doc.ECE/EAD/PAU/02/1 IN
Book United Nations. Open-ended Informal Consultive Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea. Meeting (7th : 2006 : New York, N.Y.) Ecosystem approaches and oceans : panel presentations during the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultive Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (Consultive Process), Seventh meeting, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 12 to 16 June 2006. Doc.QH541.5.S3U54 2006 IN
United Nations Organization and UNESCO See: Unesco
United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture See: Unesco
Book United Nations. Outer Space Affairs Division. Space law : a bibliography : cumulative index of the proceedings of Colloquiums of the International Institute of Space Law, 1958-1994. Doc. KZA 102 4.S66 1996 IN
Book United Nations Pacific Energy Development Program (UNPEDP). South Pacific oil study : phase one (SPOS I) : an overview of the global/Pacific oil market and the potential supply options. Pac.HD9578.P16F47 1986 IN
 26 United Nations Population Fund.
Book United Nations Population Fund. Equipe d'appui technique de Dakar. Goal setting for family planning programmes : an illustration from the Marshall Islands. Pac.HQ766.5.M5H68 1994 IN
 8 United Nations Population Fund. Office for the Pacific.
 2 United Nations Population Fund. Pacific Sub-Regional Office.
 2 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Book United Nations Populationn Fund. Family life / sexuality education : a manual for teacher-training colleges in the Pacific. Pac.LB1570.F36 1994 IN
Book United Nations Populations Fund. Pacific Sub-Regional Office. Reproductive health commodity security status assessment report : Niue. Pac.HQ766.5.N5Z45 2008 IN
United Nations. Program for Development See: United Nations Development Programme
United Nations. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo See: United Nations Development Programme
United Nations. Programa para el Desarrollo See: United Nations Development Programme
United Nations. Programa para el Medio Ambiente See: United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations. Programa para o Desenvolvimento See: United Nations Development Programme
United Nations. Programi i Kombeve të Bashkuara për Zhvillim See: United Nations Development Programme
United Nations. Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement See: United Nations Development Programme
United Nations. Programme pour le développement See: United Nations Development Programme
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