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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Development Centre. The Philippines : the political economy of growth and impoverishment in the Marcos era. HC455.B69 1993 IN
Book Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Public-private cooperation in industrial restructuring. Doc.HD3616.E823U55 2004 IN
Book Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries Proceedings of the International Tuna Fishers Conference on Responsible Fisheries & Third International Fishers Forum : July 25-29, 2005, Inter-Continental Grand, Yokohama, Japan. Pac.SH328.W39 2006 IN
Organizaˆt‰sii Obedinennykh Naˆt‰si„i i ˆI‰UNESKO See: Unesco
Organizaˆt‰siˆi‰a Obedinennykh Naˆt‰si„i po voprosam prosveshcheniˆi‰a, nauki i kul'tury See: Unesco
Organizaˆt‰siˆi‰a po voprosam prosveshcheniˆi‰a, nauki i kul'tury See: Unesco
Book Organized by Australian Committee for mangrove Research. Mangrove ecosystems of Asia and the Pacific : status exploitation and management. Pac. QH541.5.M28R35 1987 IN
Book Orians, Gordon H. Conservation biology : research priorities for the next decade. QH75.C6616 2001 IN
 2 Orion Home Video.
Video Orion Pictures The silence of the lamb. MITC VC 499 IN
Book Orjeda, Gisella. Evaluation of Musa germplasm for resistance to Sigatoka diseases and Fusarium wilt. Pac.SB608.B16O74 1998 IN
Book Orkwis, Ray Personnel preparation. CRC LC3993.9.D54 1999 IN
 20 Orlando, Juda.
Book Orlansky, Michael D. Voices, interviews with handicapped people. HV1553.O74 1981 IN
Book Orlebar, J., 1810-1891. A midshipman's journal, on board H.M.S. Seringapatam, during the year, 1830, containing observations of the Tonga Islands and other islands in the South Sea. Pac.DU21.O74 1976 IN
Book Orlich, Donald Teaching strategies : a guide to effective instruction. LB1025.3 .T437 2018 IN
Book Orloff, Erica. Do they wear high heels in heaven?. PS3615.R56D65 2005 IN
Book Orlofsky, Diane D., 1956- Redefining teacher education : the theories of Jerome Bruner and the practice of training teachers. LB1715.O74 2001 IN
 2 Orlovich, Peter
Book Ormal-Grenon, Jean-Benoit. Le grand dictionnaire Hachette-Oxford : français-anglais, anglais-français. Ref.PC2640.C684 2001 IN
Mixed Orme, Nicholas. Child's plain in Medieval England. VF 41 ORM 2001 IN
Book Ormeling, F. J. (Ferdinand Jan) The Timor problem : a geographical interpretation of an underdeveloped island. Pac.DS646.5.O7 1957 IN
Book Ormond, Rupert. Marine biodiversity : patterns and processes. QH91.57.A1M33 1997 IN
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