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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Reference Department. Regional Collection. Grants to the Pacific, 1973-1981 : grants awarded by American foundations to recipients in the Pacific Islands. ARC.HC683.T46 IN
 9 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Marine Advisory Program.
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Marine Option Program.
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Nutrition Education Program. Curriculum Research and Development Group.
Serial University of Hawaii at Manoa. Office for Women's Research. Women in Hawai'i, Asia and the Pacific. Pac.HQ1438.H3W64 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute. Spoken Chamorro ; an intensive language course with grammatical notes and glossary. Pac.PL5295.T6 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Language Materials Development Center. Waween karreoik loniid im niid. Pac.PL6255.Z77A3 1980 IN
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Language Materials Project.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Material Project. Semal tarmwal : trial version, ha soer yaemi liuliuwal iyang. Pac.PZ880620.91.I72 1980 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Materials Center. Tüütiw - ååno. Pac.PL6318.Z77T6 IN
 142 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Materials Development Center.
 26 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Materials Project.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Materials Project (PALM). Tiko ac pic soko : KEA 17. Pac.PZ880202.08.T46 1983 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Materials Project (PALM). Social Science Research Institute. Kain in Kosro ngalngucl. Pac.PL6252.K86A8 1983 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Area Languages Materials Project. Social Science Research Institute. Solse ohnkohsr. Pac.PL6252.K86J12 1983 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Asian Management Institute. The dynamics of global cooperation and competition : 7th annual proceedings : International Symposium on Pacific Asian Business (ISPAB), Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994 and PAMI-Chulalongkorn Workshop, International management education and curriculum development, Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994. Pac.HC412.I58 1994 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. The geography of injury hospitalizations and deaths in Hawai'i. Pac.RA407.4.H3G46 1994 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Business Center. Proceedings [of the] ecological tourism and small business in the Pacific : a conference presenting aspects of ecotourism and small business in the American affiliated Pacific islands. Pac.G155.A1E36 1991 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Business Center See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Business Center Program
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Business Center Program.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Program. Development in the Pacific Conference-Workshop April 30, 1977. Pac.DU1.D48 1977 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program.
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Center.
 13 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program.
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Pacific Islands Studies Program See also: University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Pacific Islands Studies Program.
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