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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pica-Ciamarra, Ugo. Livestock sector policies and programmes in developing countries : a menu for practitioners. FAO.SF55.D44P53 2010 IN
Book Picard, M. Dane, 1927- Introduction to geology, physical and historical. QE26.2.S75 1978 OUT
Book Picard, Michel, 1946- Tourism, ethnicity, and the state in Asian and Pacific societies. Pac.G155.A74T66 1997 IN
 2 Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973.
Book PICCAP, Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme. A Pacific programme that combines scientific and technical knowledge in developing national policies and capabilities for implementing the UNFCC Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme.; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. Pac.QC981.6.C5P53 1998 IN
Book Piccolotti, Fabrizio Construction and installation of hexagonal wooden cages for the fish farming : a technical manual. FAO.SH1.F2 no.576 IN
Book Pick, Christopher. What's what in the 1980s : a dictionary of contemporary history, literature, arts, technology, medicine, music, cinema, theatre, controversies, fads, movements and events. Ref.D848.W48 1982 IN
Book Pick, T. Pickering (Thomas Pickering), 1841-1919. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. QM23.2.G73 1977 IN
Book Pickel, Michael. An economic survey of Guam’s business community. Pac.HC687.G8P53 1976 IN
Book Pickell, Ellen C., editor. Timber country revisited. Ref.SD144.A13R63 1991 IN
Book Pickell, William, editor. Timber country revisited. Ref.SD144.A13R63 1991 IN
Book Pickens, Charles, ill. Dulcie's taste of magic. CRC Juv.H42 2008 OUT
Book Pickens, K. A. (Keith A.) Theses on the history of New Zealand. Pac.Z4116.R6 pt.3 IN
 3 Pickerill, Cecily Permain.
 3 Pickerill, Cicely.
 2 Pickerill, Cicely P.
Book Pickerill, Cicely Permain. Diary of itinerant teacher trainer working in Faichuk : March 19, 1956 - September 12, 1959. Pac.LA2270.T7P3 1959 IN
Book Pickering, David, 1958- The Facts on File dictionary of classical and biblical allusions. Ref.PN43.F16 2003 IN
 2 Pickering, Debra.
Mixed Pickering, Robert B. An ethno-archaeological investigation of Yapese mortuary behavior. VerF 0601.90 Pac IN
Book Pickering, Thomas G., editor. Calcium channel blockers in hypertension : a practitioner's handbook. QP535.C2P53 1992 IN
 3 Pickering, Tim
Book Pickering, Timothy D. (Timothy David), author. Technical guidelines for quarantine, broodstock management and hatchery operations of introduced GIFT Nile tilapia. Pac.SH167.N54D53 2019 IN
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