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 3 Pacific Regional Initiatives for the Delivery of Basic Education (PRIDE).
Book Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (PROCFish/C/CoFish) Federated States of Micronesia country report : Profiles and results from survey work at Yyin and Riiken (YAP) and Piis-Panewu and Romanum (Chuuk) (April- May 2006 ). Pac.SH319.M5F31 2009 IN
Serial Pacific Regional Rights Resource Team. Pacific human rights law digest. Pac.KVC572.A53P33 IN
Book Pacific Regional Tuberculosis ControlL Project. Guidelines for the control of tuberculosis in Samoa through DOTS strategy. Pac.RA644.T7.G94 2001 IN
Book Pacific Regional Workshop Education 2000 (1990 : Naulu, Fiji). The cyclone of God : Holy Spirit move the Pacific, Pacific! make space for the Holy Spirit. Pac.BR1490.P3585 1990 IN
Book Pacific Regional Workshop on Contingency Planning and Oil Spill Response (1986 : Cairns, Qld.) Pacific Regional Workshop on Contingency Planning and Oil Spill Response, held at Trade Winds-Outrigger Hotel, Cairns, Australia, 13-17 October 1986. Pac.GC1085.P3 1986 IN
Book Pacific Regional Workshop on Contingency Planning and Oil Spill Response (1988 : Brisbane, Australia.) Pacific Regional Workshop on Oil Spill Response, Ridge all Suites Inn, Brisbane, 24 October - 2 November 1988. Pac.GC1085.P3 1988 IN
Book Pacific Regional Workshop on Mangrove Wetlands Protection and Sustainable Use (2001: Suva, Fiji). Proceedings of the Pacific Regional Workshop on Mangrove Wetlands Protection and Sustainable Use: the University of the South Pacific, Marine Studies Facility, Suva, Fiji, June 12-16 2001. Pac.QK938.M27P11 2001 IN
Book Pacific Regional Workshop on Marine Pollution Prevention, Control and Response (1985: Suva, Fiji). Pacific Regional Workshop on Marine Pollution Prevention, Control and Response: a joint SPREP/IMO Workshop held at South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operation Headquarters, Suva, Fiji, 26-30 November 1984. Pac.TD427.P4P33 1985 IN
Serial Pacific Regional YWCA. PAWORNET newsletter. Pac.HQ1865.6.T65 1991 no.7 IN
Book Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy. Teacher quality. LB1715.T426 2002 IN
Video Pacific Resource for Education and Learning First and second : language literacy. MITC VC 1367 IN
Book Pacific Resources Education and Learning. Social studies content standards : "kasukuhl en poahsonda pohn sapwelimen pehiwet wahu". CRC LB1584.S63 2001 IN
Video Pacific Resources for Education and Learing. Leadership makes a difference. MITC VC 820 IN
 66 Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.
Book Pacific Resources for Education and Learning Board of Directors Annual meeting / PREL Board of Directors. Pac. LB2285.P32P34 1997a IN
 6 Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (Organization).
Serial Pacific Resources for Education and Learning. Pacific Center. Pacific Center news. Pac.Per.LB2822.83.P23P33 IN
 14 Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL).
Video Pacific Resources, Inc. The navigators pathfinders of the Pacific. MITC VC 1 c.2 IN
Book Pacific Rim Food Conference (1st : 1960 : Honolulu) Technical papers of the first Pacific Rim Food Conference. Pac. HD9018 .O26 T34 1960 IN
Book Pacific Rim Symposium (5th : 1998 : Cairns, Qld.) Pacific people and their food. Pac.HD9018.P16P33 1998 IN
 33 Pacific Science Association.
Serial Pacific Science Association (12th : 1971 : Canberra, A.C.T.) Twelfth Pacific Science Congress : record of proceedings, Vol.2, formal proceedings, Canberra, Australia, 18 August 3 September, 1971. Pac.Q101P27 1971a IN
Serial Pacific Science Association (13th : 1975 : Vancouver, Canada) Thirteenth Pacific Science Congress, records of proceedings, vol. 1 : abstract of papers. Pac.Q101P28 1975 IN
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