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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dawe, E. G. Squid recruitment dynamics : the genus Illex as a model, the commercial Illex species and influence on variability. FAO.SH374.5.S68 1998 IN
Book Dawes, Clinton J. Marine botany. Ref.QK931.D38 1998 IN
Book Dawes, John. The Encyclopedia of aquatic life. Ref.QL120.E53 2004 IN
Book Dawes, Nancy Zoder illustrator. Nest in the wind : adventures in anthropology on a tropical island. Pac.GN669.W37 2005 IN
Book Dawidoff, Nicholas. The catcher was a spy : the mysterious life of Moe Berg. D810.S8B4693 1994 IN
Book Dawkins, James. Management information systems for the information age. T58.6.H18 1999 IN
 2 Dawkins, Richard.
 6 Dawkins, Richard, 1941-
 8 Daws, Gavan.
Book Daws, Karen, ill. Sea and shore. QH91.H94 1961 IN
Book Dawson, A. J. (Sandy) Research into practice 2007. Pac.LA2200.R47P32 2007 IN
 2 Dawson, Beth.
Book Dawson, Brian, 1958- The complete guide to climate change. QC981.8.C5D32 2009 OUT
Book Dawson, Edward Walter. The isles of the sea; being an entertaining narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Indian oceans, and embracing full and authentic accounts of the islands of Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia ... Pac.DU21.D27 1886 IN
Book Dawson, Elmer Yale, 1918-1966. How to know the seaweeds. QK571.D35 1978 IN
Book Dawson, Kara. Education and technology : an encyclopedia. Ref.LB1028.3.E17 2004 IN
Book Dawson, Lawrence H. The rhyming dictionary of the English language : in which the whole language is arranged according to its terminations. Ref.PE1519.W98 1983 IN
Mixed Dawson, Mike E., Dept. of Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution, Univ. of California, Box 951606, Los Angeles, Calif., 90095-1606 USA and Coral Reef Research Foundation, Box 1765, Koror, PW 96940, Republic of Palau; e-mail: Geographic variation and ecological adaptation in aurelia (scyphozoa, semaeostomeae) : some implications from molecular phylogenetics. VerF 0805.01a Pac IN
 2 Dawson, Mike N.
Mixed Dawson, Mike N., Coral Reef Research Foundation, Box 1765, Koror, PW 96940, Republic of Palau; e-mail: Jellyfish swarms, tourists, and the Christ-child. VerF 0805.01b Pac. IN
Book Dawson, Sandy. Mathematics teacher education : critical international perspectives. QA11.M3759 1999 IN
Book Dawson, Scott, ill. I survived the sinking of the Titanic, 1912. CRC Juv.T17 2010 IN
Book Day, A. Grove. Ka Pa'i Palapala : early printing in Hawaii. Pac.Z222.H2D39 1973 IN
 10 Day, A. Grove (Arthur Grove), 1904-
Book Day, A. Grove (Arthur Grove), 1904-1994. Captain Cook and Hawaii. Pac.DU626.D3 1977 IN
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