View previous page View next page Author Search:  Edmonds, I. G.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dewin, Howard. Princess goes to school. CRC Pic.D51 2008 IN
Book Dewin, Howie. The dog : why are dogs' noses wet? and other true facts. CRC SF426.2.D49 2006 IN
 2 DeWit, Susan C.
Book DeWitt, James. In pursuit of the Spanish galleon. Pac.PZ7.D27 In IN
Book Dexter, Colin. Death is now my neighbour : an Inspector Morse novel. PR6054.E96D43 1997 IN
Book Dexter, Robin. Stars : near & far. CRC Pic.D49 1996 IN
Book DeYoung, John E. Taro cultivation practices and beliefs. Pac. SB211.T3T3 1960 IN
Video Deyuan, Mu Judge Mama. MITC DVD 172 IN
Book Dhada, Mustafah. Warriors at work : how Guinea was really set free. DT543.D45 1993 IN
Book Dhanapala, Jayantha. Multilateral diplomacy and the NPT : an insider's account. Doc.KZ5675.D43 2005 IN
Book D'Harnoncourt, Rene, 1901-1968. Arts of the South Seas. Pac.N7410.L5 IN
Book D'Harnoncourt, Rene, 1901-1968 joint author. Indian art of the United States. E98.A7D6 1969 IN
Book Dhlamini, Z. Status of research and application of crop biotechnologies in developing countries : preliminary assessment. FAO.SB106.B56S73 2005 IN
Book Dhont, Hadrien. South Pacific phrasebook. Pac.PL6171.S8 1999 IN
Book DiŽaz, Junot, 1968- author. Islandborn. CRC PZ7.1.D4988 2018 IN
Book DiŽaz RiŽos, Luz B. Implementing programmes to improve safety and quality in fruit and vegetable supply chains : benefits and drawbacks : Latin American case studies. FAO.TP373.5.P5 2007 IN
Book Di Gregorio, Antonio. Land cover classification system : classification concepts and user manual : LCCS. FAO.HD108.D52 2005 IN
Video Di Pego, Gerald. Instinct. MITC VC 174 IN
Book DIA History Office. At the creation, 1961-1965 : origination documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Gov.D5.202:D36/2 IN
Book Diabetese Awareness Coalition (Hawaii) Take charge of your diabetes : a revolutionary plan for treating your diabetes and preventing its complications. RC660.4.Z35 2007 IN
 4 Diagram Group.
Book Diake, Sylvester, author. Technical guidelines for quarantine, broodstock management and hatchery operations of introduced GIFT Nile tilapia. Pac.SH167.N54D53 2019 IN
Book Diamant, Anita. The red tent. PS3554.I227R43 1997 IN
Book Diambra, O.H. Fruit-piercing moths of Micronesia. Pac.SB608.F8D45 IN
Book Diamond, Arthur. Anwar Sadat. DT107.828.S23D53 1994 IN
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