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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Jones, Elizabeth, joint author. Making music your own. M1977.C5M26 1971 IN
Book Jones, Erin Bain. Law of the sea : oceanic resources. JX4408.J71 1972 IN
 6 Jones Farrow, Hilary.
Book Jones, Frank Joseph. The futures game : who wins? Who loses? Why?. HG6046.T45 1987 IN
Book Jones, Frank L. Buying time, 1965-1966. Gov. D114.2:V67/4 IN
Book Jones, Gardiner B. Micronesia: America's unkept promise. Pac.HC681.5.M5J71 1971 IN
Book Jones, Gareth R. Strategic management : an integrated approach. HD70.U5H54 2010 IN
Book Jones, Gavin W. Mega-urban regions in Pacific Asia : urban dynamics in a global era. HB3633.A3M46 2008 IN
Book Jones, Geoff. Balanced science. CRC QC32.B35 1993 IN
 2 Jones, Gerald E.
Book Jones, Guy W., 1956- Lessons from Turtle Island : Native curriculum in earlchildhood classrooms. E76.6.J65 2002 IN
Book Jones, Gwyn, 1907- A history of the Vikings. DL31.J6 1968 IN
Book Jones, Harold Spencer. A concise history of astronomy. QB16.D68 1950 IN
 2 Jones, Howard W. (Richard Wesley), 1942-
Video Jones, James, 1921-1977 Thin red line. MITC DVD 131 IN
Video Jones, James Earl Comet halley. MITC VC 87 IN
Book Jones, Jeremiah, 1693-1724. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, His Apostles and their companions not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament; and Syriac Mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. Ref.BS2832.A2 1979 IN
Book Jones, John, 1924- Dostoevsky. PG3328.Z6J71 1985 IN
Book Jones, John R. Madagascar. CRC GT4890.Mad 1999 IN
Book Jones, Josie The happy easter book. CRC Pic.J65 1985 OUT
Book Jones, Lawrence K., ed. The encyclopedia of career change and work issues. Ref.HF5381.E516 1992 IN
Book Jones, Leo, 1943- Communicative grammar practice : activities for intermediate students of English : student's book. PE1112.J58 1992 IN
Book Jones, Lewis. The dream : and other stories. CRC.PZ6.D77 1999 IN
Book Jones, Lily. Baby Kermit's playtime ABC. CRC Pic.J753 1992 IN
Book Jones, Linda (Linda M.) Agricultural value chain finance : tools and lessons. FAO.HD1417.M647a 2010 IN
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