View previous page View next page Author Search:  Petersen, Wolfgang.
  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Peters, Bernadette.
Book Peters, Charles Wilber, 1908- A report on selected mainland markets for Hawaiian floral products. Pac.S399.E15 1958 IN
Video Peters, Don The naked prey. MITC VC 651 IN
 6 Peters, Elizabeth.
Book Peters, F. E. (Francis E.) Children of Abraham : Judaism, Christianity, Islam. BM157.P47 1982 IN
 2 Peters, F. E. (Frank E.)
Book Peters, Helene. Cocaine : the great white plague. HV5801.N34 1989 OUT
Video Peters, Ioakim. Vitamin A "Mongon Manau". MITC VC 942 IN
Book Peters, James. Closing report for the 1990 Household Income and Expenditures pilot survey for the Office of Planning and Statistics in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Pac.HC684.H685 1990 IN
Book Peters, James (James Edwards), ill. Pizza cats. CRC Pic.H43 1999 OUT
 2 Peters, Joseph M.
Book Peters, Leonard J., joint author. Writing prose : techniques and purposes. PE1417.5.K3 1980 IN
Serial Peters, Ralf. Shifting sands : searching for a compromise in the WTO negotiations on agriculture. Doc.HF1385.P48 2004 IN
Book Peters, Thomas J. In search of excellence : lessons from America's best-run companies. HD70.U5P424 1984 IN
Computer Peters, Tom Tom Peter's career survival guide. CD ROM 0089 1997 IN
Book Petersen, David, 1977- Snowy Valentine. CRC PZ7.P44 2011 IN
 11 Petersen, Glenn.
Mixed Petersen, Glenn Baruch College and the Graduate School, City University of New York Dancing defiance : the politics of Pohnpeian dance performances. VerF 0900.92 Pac. IN
 38 Petersen, Glenn Thomas.
Book Petersen, Glenn Thomas Baruch College and The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Some Pohnpei strategies for economic survival.
Serial Petersen, Glenn Thomas City University of New York. Lessons learned : The Micronesian quest for independence in the context of American imperial history. Pac.HC681.5.F42P465 2004 IN
Mixed Petersen, Grace Field and family on Pohnpei, Micronesia. Pac.GN662.P48 IN
Book Petersen, Gwenn Boardman. The moon in the water : understanding Tanizaki, Kawabata, and Mishima. Pac.PL747.65.P47 IN
Book Petersen, R. Eric. Senate committee activity : action on measures referred, 1973-2000. KF42.2.P44 2003 IN
Book Petersen, Sandra H. Infant and toddler development and responsive program planning : a relationship-based approach. CRC RJ131.W56 2006 IN
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