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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Mehigan, Janet, 1943- The calligrapher's bible : 100 complete alphabets and how to draw them. Z43.H37 2003 IN
Book Mehl, Dieter. The fox ; The captain's doll : the ladybird. PR6023.A93F83 1992 IN
Serial Mehler, Andreas. Africa yearbook, 2004. Ref.DT353.A8 2005 IN
 2 Mehling, Randi.
Book Mehra, June D. ill. Illustrations for training community health workers : community learning materials. CRC RA427.9.B93 1983 IN
Book Mehra, N.N. Parliamentary Counsel. Practice and procedure of the Parliament of Nauru. Pac.JQ6013.N38 1990 IN
Book Mehrotra, Rajiv, 1953- In my own words : an introduction to my teachings and philosophy. BQ7935.B774I6 2011 IN
Book Mehrtens, John M. Living snakes of the world in color. QL666.O6M45 1987 OUT
Book Mehta, Gita. Raj : a novel. PS3563.E344R3 1989 IN
Book Mei, Kangjun Christianity in China. BR1285.M47 2005 IN
Book Meier, Gerald M Frontiers of development economics : the future in perspective. HD75.F77 2001 IN
Book Meier, K.Z. Synthesis report : rapid ecological assessment of Palau. Pac.QH198.P4S96 1994 IN
Book Meier, Lauren G. Cultural landscape report for the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site. Gov.I29.86/4:0L 5/v.2/2017 IN
Book Meier, Paul D. Safe places : finding security in the passages of your life. BV4598.23.A78 1997 IN
Book Meier, Robert F. (Robert Frank), 1944- White-collar crime : offenses in business, politics, and the professions. HV6635.G35 1977 IN
Serial Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892. Capitol builder : the shorthand journals of Montgomery C. Meigs, 1853-1859, 1861 : a project to commemorate the US Capitol bicentennial, 1800-2000. Gov.Y1.1/2:SERIAL14612 IN
Book Meij, Jan-Martijn. Music sociology : examining the role of music in social life. ML3916.M8783 2013 IN
Video Meijuan, Xi Judge Mama. MITC DVD 172 IN
Book Meilleur, Brien A. Hawaiian breadfruit : ethnobotany, nutrition, and human ecology. Pac.SB379.B8H39 2004 IN
Book Meinicke, Carl Eduard, 1803-1870. Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans; eine geographische Monographie. Pac.DU21.M432 IN
Book Meinzen-Dick, Ruth. Gender in agriculture : closing the knowledge gap. FAO.HD6077.G45 2014 IN
Book Meisel, Paul, ill. Mr. Monster. CRC Pic.H766 1998 IN
Book Meisinger, Richard J., 1945- College & university budgeting : an introduction for faculty and academic administrators. LB2342.M43 2005 IN
Book Meister, Teddy. Pardon me, but your reference are showing! : 32 proven and fun activities to build reference skills for grades 4 through 8. Ref.Z711.M45 1996 IN
Video Meistrich, Ira Nelson Mandela Journey to freedom. MITC DVD 154 A IN
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