View previous page View next page Author Search:  Powers, Michael D.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Puricelli, Luigi In the woods. CRC Pic.C74 1983 IN
Book Purkey, Stewart C. Productive school systems for a nonrational world. LB2806.P36 1986 IN
Mixed Purkitt, Helen E. Annual editions : world politics. JX1391.I637P87 1994 IN
Video Purple Pictures (Firm). Audition : everything an actor needs to know to get the part. MITC VC 1170 A IN
Book Pursley, Robert D. Introduction to criminal justice. KF9223.P86 1994 IN
Book Purvis, Nigel. Climate change and global poverty : a billion lives in the balance?. QC903 .C545 2009 OUT
Book Purvis, William (Ole William) Lichens. QK583.P87 2000 IN
Book Puterbaugh, Geoff. Twins and homosexuality : a casebook. HQ76.25.T78 1990 IN
Book Putnam, George Granville. Salem vessels and their voyages : a history of the European, African, Australian and South Pacific Islands trade as carried on by Salem merchants, particularly the firm of N. L. Rogers & Brothers. Pac.HF3163.S33P8 IN
Book Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930. The question of copyright : a summary of the copyright laws at present in force in the chief countries of the world ... K1420.5.Q47 1996 IN
Book Putnam, Samuel, 1892-1950. The sexual relations of mankind. Pac.HQ21.M323 1935 IN
 2 Putney, Mary Jo.
Serial Putti, Joseph M. Measuring modernity in Micronesia.
 3 Puttnam, David.
Book Putz, Francis E. Gap formation and forest regeneration in a Micronesian mangrove forest. Pac.QK495.M28P65 2003 IN
Book Puur, Allan. Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report, Estonia. Doc.ECE/EAD/PAU/00/14 IN
 2 Puvaneswaran, K.
Book Puvaneswaran, K., Quality Control Chemist and Toilet Products Expert. Coconut processing industry : Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD9259.C6P84 IN
Book Puvilland, Alex. Prince of Persia : the graphic novel. CRC PN6727.S527J67 2008 OUT
Book Puzo, Mario, 1920- The last don. PS3566.U9C57 1966 IN
 2 Pwihn en Apwahpwalih en Pohnpei
PWRB See: Pacific Women's Resource Bureau
Book Pwurokram en Wadawad en Pohnpei Ohpis en Sukuhl en Pohnpei Mwahmw akan. CRC LB1525.M9 1991 IN
 3 Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911.
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