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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Hisakatsu, Hijikata
Book Hisakatsu, Hijikata 1900-1977. Collective works of Hijikata Hisakatsu. Pac.GN669.H5413 1997 v. 4 IN
Book Hisashi, Endo. Collective works of Hijikata Hisakatsu. Pac.GN669.H5413 1997 v. 4 IN
Book Hisashi, Endo, ed. Society and life in Palau.
Book Hishamunda, Nathanae?el, 1958- Commercial aquaculture and economic growth, poverty alleviation and food security : assessment framework. FAO.SH1.F2 2009 no.512 IN
 2 Hishamunda, Nathanaeel, 1958-
Book Hishamunda, NathanaeĢˆl, 1958- author. Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on Assessment and Monitoring of Aquaculture Sector Performance : Gaeta, Italy, 5-7 November 2012. FAO.SH135.F36 2012 IN
 3 Hishamunda, Nathanael, 1958-
Book Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record. America preserved : A checklist of historic buildings, structures, and sites. Gov. LC 1.2:H 62/7 IN
 2 Historic American Buildings Survey.
Book Historic American Engineering Record. Historic America : buildings, structures, and sites. NA705.H53 1983 IN
Book Historic Preservation Office of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. A plan for the expansion and revitalization of the Spanish Wall Park ; Submitted to the Ponape State Historic Preservation Committee and The Historic Preservation Office of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pac.DU568.5.P7H361 1980 IN
Book Historic Preservation Office. Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The Nan Madol area of Ponape : researches into bounding and stabilizing an ancient administrative center. Pac.DU568.P7S38 1980 IN
 2 Historic Preservation Office. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Book Historic Preservation Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan. The discovery and archaeological investigation of Nan Madol, Ponape, Eastern Caroline Islands : an annotated bibliography. Pac.DU500.5.A3 1981 c.5 IN
Book Historical Association (Great Britain) The great powers in the Pacific,. Pac.DU29.M28 1963 IN
Video History Television Production. The impressionists the other French revolution. MITC VC 1009 D IN
 3 History Television Productions.
 2 HistoryCOPs (Organization)
Book HIT Entertainment. King of the railway. CRC Pic.A5 2013 IN
Mixed Hitano, Hiromichi A study on the health conception of Micronesia students. VerF 0142.86 Pac IN
Book Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899- Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho : the film classics library. PN1997.P79H63 1974 IN
Video Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899-1980 Rebecca. MITC DVD 128 IN
Book Hitchcock, David I., 1928- Information and education for self-government in Micronesia : case study. Pac.JQ6451.H57 1974 IN
Book Hitchcock, Jason. Native plants for wildlife habitat. Gov.I49.2:P69/12 IN
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