View previous page View next page Author Search:  Curtis, Cliff.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Cross, Amanda, 1926- Death in a tenured position. PB CRO OUT
Video Cross, Ben Spartacus. MITC ENT 18 OUT
Book Cross, Charles, 1953- From Plato to Piaget : the greatest educational theorists from across the centuries and around the world. LB14.7.C66 1993 IN
Book Cross, F. L. (Frank Leslie), 1900-1968. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church. Ref.BR95.O8 1997 IN
Book Cross, Gwen. Aloha Solomons. Pac DU850 .C86 IN
Book Cross, Hugh (Hugh B.) Darwin's harvest : new approaches to the origins, evolution, and conservation of crops. Pac.SB106.074D26 2005 IN
Book Cross, K. Patricia (Kathryn Patricia), 1926- Collaborative learning techniques : a handbook for college faculty. Ref.LB1032.B24 2005 IN
Book Cross, Marie Z. Health, safety, and nutrition for the young child. RJ101.M347 2005 IN
Book Cross, Milton John, 1897- Milton Cross' complete stories of the great operas. MT95.C88 1947 IN
 2 Crossan, John Dominic.
Computer Crosse, Scott. Wide scope, questionable quality drug and violence prevention efforts in American schools : report on the study of school violence and prevention.
Book Crossingham, John, 1974- Spike it volleyball. GV1015.34.C76 2008 IN
 2 Crossland, James.
 6 Crossland, James, 1942-
Book Crossland, John. Macedonian Greece. DF901.M3C76 1982 IN
Book Crossley-Holland, Kevin. The Anglo-Saxon world : an anthology. PR1508.A54 1984 IN
Book Crossley, Peter. Rural transport and traction enterprises for improved livelihoods. FAO.HE316.D44C76 2009 IN
Video Crossley, Rosemary. A test of love. MITC VC 109 c.2 IN
eBook Crosson-Tower, Cynthia. The role of educators in preventing and responding to child abuse and neglect. Gov.HE25.2:C43/4/CD IN
Book Crost, Lyn. Honor by fire : Japanese Americans at war in Europe and the Pacific. Pac.D753.8.C76 1994 IN
Book Croteau, Jan Helling. Perform it! : a complete guide to young people's theatre. PN3157.C76 2000 IN
Book Crotts, Joanne Tarpley. Union list of serials in the libraries of Guam and Micronesia : a cooperative project of the Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA), the Guam Public Library System, and University of Guam, RFK Memorial Library. Pac.Z6945.M5C78 1999 IN
Book Crotts, John C. Marketing issues in Pacific area tourism. Pac.G155.P25M37 1997 IN
Book Crotz, D. Keith (Darrell Keith), 1954- Used book sales : less work & better profits. Z479.C77 1995 IN
Book Crouch, Harold Advanced english for adults: lessons one-five. Pac.LB1576.7.C76 1967 IN
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