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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Franks, Dale. Slackernomics : basic economics for people who think economics is boring. HB74.5.F73 2004 IN
Book Franks, Lucinda. My father's secret war : a memoir. D810.S8F85 2007 IN
Book Franks, Tommy, 1945- American soldier. E840.5.F73A3 2004 IN
Computer Frantzich, Stephen E. American government. CD ROM 0405 1994 IN
Book Franz, Nicole. Strengthening organizations and collective action in fisheries : a way forward in implementing the international guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries : FAO Workshop, 18-20 March 2013, Rome, Italy. FAO SH329.S53S84 2014 IN
Book Franzen, Jonathan. The corrections a novel. PS3556.R352C67 2001 IN
Book Franzetti, Allison Brewster. The book of 101 opera librettos : complete original language texts with English translations. Ref.ML48.B66 1996 IN
 2 Franzoni, David.
Book Frasconi, Antonio. Antonio Frasconi at the Library of Congress : a lecture presented on May 18, 1989, for International Children's Book Day. Gov. LC 1.2:AN 7 IN
 2 Fraser, Antonia, 1932-
Video Fraser, Brendan 1968- The quiet American. MITC DVD 87 c.2 IN
Book Fraser, Bruce Real world color management : industrial-strength production techniques. T385.F6915 2005 IN
Book Fraser, Clarence M. The Merck veterinary manual : a handbook of diagnosis and therapy for the veterinarian. Ref.SF748.M47 1979 IN
Book Fraser, David. Animal welfare and the intensification of animal production : an alternative interpretation.
Book Fraser, David (David G.) Capacity building to implement good animal welfare practices : report of the FAO Expert Meeting, FAO Headquarters, Rome, 30 September - 3 October 2008. FAO.SF55.D44C37 2009 IN
Book Fraser, Donald. A dictionary of musical quotations. Ref.ML66.C86 1985 IN
Mixed Fraser, Laura. The Pacific potion : an herbal tranquilizer is poised to become a supplement superstar. Can kava calm your nerves?. VerF 0498.99 Pac IN
Book Fraser, Lisa Making your mark. LB2343.32.F86 2005 IN
Book Fraser-Lu, Sylvia. Material choices : refashioning bast and leaf fibers in Asia and the Pacific. Pac.TS1541.M38 2007 IN
Book Fraser, Mary Ann I.Q. goes to the library. CRC PZ7.F86455 2005 IN
Book Fraser, Nicole [et al.] Best practices guide for Crown-of-Thorns clean-ups. Pac.QL384.A8F84 2000 IN
Book Fraser, Russell A. The tragedy of King Lear. PR2819.A2F7 1963 IN
Book Fraser, Thomas M. Fishermen of South Thailand : the Malay villagers. DS570.M3F7 1966 IN
Video Fraser University. Children's literature and how it grew. MITC DVD 765 IN
Book Frasier, Anne. Before I wake. PB FRA 2005 OUT
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