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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Perdue, Theda. The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears. E99.C5P41 2007 IN
Book Perdue, Theda, 1949- "Mixed blood" Indians : racial construction in the early South. E78.S65P46 2003 IN
Book Perdue, William D., 1943- Systemic crisis : problems in society, politics, and world order. HM101.S967 1993 IN
Book Perec, Georges, 1936-1982. Life, a user's manual. PQ2676.E67L62 1987 IN
Book Peregoy, Suzanne F. Reading, writing & learning in ESL : a resource book for K-12 teachers. PE1128.A2P393 2000 IN
Book Peregrine, Peter N. (Peter Neal), 1963- Encyclopedia of prehistory. Pac.GN710.E53 2001 v.3 IN
Book Pereira, Natalia. Urban youth in the Pacific : increasing resilience and reducing risk for involvement in crime and violence. Pac.HQ799.O3N63 2011 IN
 2 Pereira, Pandora Fulimalo.
Book Pereiro, A. Cabeza La isla de Ponape : geografia, etnografia, historia. Pac.DU568.P7P4 IN
Book Perelman, Chaim The new rhetoric : a treatise on argumentation. BC177.P4213 1969 IN
Book Peren, Dan E. Fifteen-year forecasts of expenditure requirements. Pac.HJ7970.6.I7 1979 IN
Book Peretti, Frank E. This present darkness and Piercing the darkness : two bestselling novels complete in one volume. PS3566.E691317T4 1997 IN
Book Peretz, Don, 1922- The Arab-Israel dispute. Ref.HN28.P47 1996 IN
Book Perez Escolano, Victor, 1945- Sevilla. DP402.S4M37 1989 IN
Book Perez, Frank, ill. Tungo Suma U Talaya: learn how to weave a throw net. Pac.HD2346.T14C26 IN
 5 Perez, Georgia.
Book Perez, Illuminada I bella antes na tiempo giya Guam. Pac.PL5295.P41 1977 IN
 3 Perez, Illuminada S.
Book Perez, Illuminada Sablan I hinanao bakasion para Washington, D.C. Pac.PL5295.G93 1978 IN
Book Perez, Karri Trahin. Pohnpeians at work : from monocultural competence to bicultural fluency (Guam) [Microform]. Pac.HF5549.P41 2003 IN
 3 Perez, Michael P.
Video Perez, Michel Le louvre. MITC VC 159 IN
Book Perez, Monica. Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George plants a tree. CRC PZ7.P42 2009 OUT
Book Perez Napoles, Elvia. From the winds of Manguito : Cuban folktales in English and Spanish = Desde los vientos de Manguito : cuentos folkloricos de Cuba, en ingles y espanÌõl. GR121.C8P41 2004 IN
Book Perez, Vicente-Roman Leon. A comparative study of the Trust Territory students' perceptions of factors affecting satisfaction of college life at selected institutions of higher learning. Pac.LB2376.6M65P47 1980 IN
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