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Book Agosin, Manuel. Managing capital inflows in Latin America. Doc. HD 72 D8 IN
Book Agri Projects [M] SDN BHD. Yap State agricultural consultants : a primary proposal. Pac.HD1775.Y3Y3 IN
Book Agricultural Development in the American Pacific. Pohnpei : food choices for healthful living based on food group lists. Pac.TX360.M5S565 1999 IN
Book Agricultural Development in the American Pacific (ADAP). Chu'uk : food choices for healthful living based on food group lists. Pac.TX360.C58S57 1995 IN
 4 Agricultural Development in the American Pacific Project.
Book Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Color Atlas of Common Weeds of Guam. Pac.SB611.G93M13 2006 IN
Book Agricultural Experiment Station. College of Micronesia-FSM Yap Campus. Qualitative examination of groundwater from Yap and some of its neighboring islands : project report. Pac.TC524.Y3K74 2006 IN
Serial Agricultural Extension Meeting (1961 : Rabaul, Territory of Papua and New Guinea). Agricultural extension meeting, Rabaul Territory of Papua & New Guinea, 15th - 27th November 1961. Pac.S401.S64 1961 IN
Book Agricultural Requisites Scheme for Asia and the Pacific ARSAP/CIRAD/SPC/SPREP regional agro-pesticide index. Volume 2 , Pacific.
 2 Agricultural Research Institute (U.S.)
Video Agriculture and Forestry National Broadcasting Corporation. Fishery Cooperation : Solomon Islands in 1982. MITC DVD 1182 IN
Book Agriculture Conferenc (1967: Saipan). Minutes of the daily proceedings with recommendations and supporting documents covering the agriculture division conference held during the period May 6-15, 1967. Pac.S400.M5A4 1967 IN
Serial Agriculture Experiment Station, Yap 2011 Acknowledge quarterly newsletter. Pac.Per.S471.A3Y1 March 2011:2 IN
Book Agrios, George N., 1936- Plant pathology. SB731.A35 1997 IN
Book Agronomic Institute of New Caledonia. Ecology, impacts and management of invasive plant species in pastoral areas: proceedings of the regional workshop on invasive plant species in pastoral areas, 24 to 28 November 2003, Kone, New Caledonia = Ecologiem impacts et gestion des plantes envahissantes dans less espaces pastoraux: actes de l;atelier de travail regional sur les plantes envahissantes des escapes pastoraux. Pac.SB950.93.E7 2008 IN
Book Agudo, N. Coral reefs & mangroves : what you need to know. Pac.QH541.5.C7C57 2000 IN
Book Aguero, Max, 1945- Review of the state of world marine capture fisheries management : Pacific Ocean. FAO.SH1.F2 2007 no.488/1 c.1 IN
Book Aguilar, David A. 13 planets : the latest view of the solar system. CRC QB501.3.A9 2011 IN
Book Aguilar, David A., author, illustrator. Space encyclopedia : a tour of our solar system and beyond. CRC Ref.QB500.22.A38 2013 IN
Book Aguilar, Francisco X., editor. Wood energy in the ECE Region : data, trends and outlook in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and North America. Doc.TP324.W66 2018 IN
Book Aguilar-Manjarrez, Josa^e. Geographic information systems, remote sensing and mapping for the development and management of marine aquaculture. FAO.SH1.F2 2007 no.458 IN
 5 Aguilar-Manjarrez, José.
Book Aguilar, Marlene. Philippines by Nik Masangcay. Pac.ND1735.P45 2007 IN
 2 Aguilar, Viviana.
Book Aguon, Alicia Research into practice 2007. Pac.LA2200.R47P32 2007 IN
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