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  Author Title Call Number Status
Mixed Pacific Program, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Hawaii. Tourism development on the island of Pohnpei (Federated States of Micronesia) : sacredness, control and autonomy. Pac.G155.F34D334 1993 c.2 IN
Book Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network (PPHSN) guidelines for influenza preparedness and control and influenza pandemic preparedness. Pac.RA644.I6K8 2005 IN
 5 Pacific Region Educational Laboratory.
 26 Pacific Region Educational Laboratory (Honolulu, Hawaii)
 3 Pacific Region Educational Laboratory (Honolulu, Hawaii). Research and Development Cadre.
Book Pacific Region Educational Laboratory (PREL). Synthesis of the research on educational change. Pac.LA2201.B87 1994 IN
 2 Pacific Region Educational Laboratory. Research & Development Cadre.
 3 Pacific Region Educational Program (Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory). R & D Cadre.
 3 Pacific Region Educational Program. Research & Development Cadre.
Book Pacific Region Postsecondary Education Council. Organizational meeting of he Pacific region postsecondary education committee/. Pac.LA2270.P32P34 1979 IN
 10 Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme.
Book Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme. Project 1, Farming Systems in Low Lands. Diffusion and transfer of agricultural technology in the Pacific : reports and papers from the Third Annual Meeting of Cooperators : Vav'u, Kingdom of Tonga, 24-28 November 1997. Pac.S494.5.I5P33 1997 IN
Book Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme. Project 3, Seed and Planting Material. Improved seed supply strategies for Pacific Island countries : proceedings of an international workshop, Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi, Fiji, 25-29 November 1996. Pac.SB114.O3I47 1999 IN
Serial Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme Project 7, Provision of tissue culture services for the region. Regional Tissue Culture Workshop : Apia, Samoa, 5-13 June 1997. Pac.QK725.R44 1997 IN
Book Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme. Regional Advisory Board. Report of the Annual Meeting of the Regional Advisory Board. Pac.S479.P63 1996 IN
Book Pacific Regional Agriculture Programme. National SDI management workshop : Kerevat, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, 28 October - 1 November, 1996 report. Pac.S494.5.I45N38 1996 IN
Book Pacific Regional Agricutural Programme. Recommendations for data entry using ProCite 3.4 : the SCAINIP standards for the development of bibliographic databases in the Pacific. Pac.TK5105.W34 1998 IN
Book Pacific Regional Biodiversity Conservation Programme. Marine mammals in the area served by the South Pacific Program (SPREP). Pac.QL738.S69 1999 IN
 2 Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives.
Serial Pacific Regional Conference for Environmental Education and Training (1998 : Suva, Fiji) Pacific regional conference for environmental education and training : report of proceedings, Suva, Fiji, 29 June-3 July, 1998. Pac.GE70.P33 1998 IN
 11 Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
 12 Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
Book Pacific Regional Environmental Programme Framework for nature conservation and protected areas in the Pacific Islands region, 2014-2020. Pac.QH77.O3F73 2014 IN
Book Pacific Regional HIV/AIDS and STD Conference (1st: 1999 : Nadi, Fiji Islands). Proceedings of the 1st Pacific Regional HIV/AIDS and STD Conference. Pac.RA644.A25P32 IN
Book Pacific regional information and communication technology (ICT) Ministers' meeting (Nuku'alofa, Tonga Pacific regional information and communication technology (ICT) Ministers' meeting : Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 18 June 2010. Pac.T58.5.P34 2010 IN
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