Author |
Title |
Call Number |
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Office of Management and Budget. United States.
Catalog of federal domestic assistance.
Office of Minority Health Resource Center.
Navigating personal wellbeing & sexuality in Chamoru communities : participants workbook.
Pac.HQ34.D45w 2017
Office of National Public Auditor.
National Government FMIS : Full capabailities not utilized to provide efficient financial management and reporting services.
Pac.HC681.7.N11F31 2015
Office of Planning and Statistics.
Office of Planning & Statistics, FSM National Government
Project manual for the Community College of Micronesia-FSM Palikir campus : Construction contracts #11 to #18.
ARC. Box 236:9
Office of Planning and Statistics. Office of the High Commissioner. Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands.
An economic analysis of hyro-electric generation at the Nanepil River : state of Ponape, Ponape Island, Federated States of Micronesia Eastern Caroline Islands.
Pac.TK1423.P7P3 1981
Office of Planning and Statistics. Planning.
Trust Territory physical planning program, final report, planning legislation.
Pac.HT395.T7T699 1968
Office of Public Auditor. State of Pohnpei.
Pohnpei State Government performance audit of the recruitment process fiscal years 2019 and 2020 : audit report no. 002-22.
Pac.HC681.7.J57P7 2020
Office of Research and Planning.
College of Micronesia-FSM : performance-based budget : fiscal year 2004.
Pac.HJ203.C67 2003
Office of Samoan Information.
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
Guide to environmental issues.
QH75.B89E62 1994
Office of Statistics, Budget and Economic Management Overseas Development Assistance and Compact Management (SBOC)
The Office of SBOC violated the FPA and the FSM budget law : Report no. 2015-03.
Pac.JC599.I1 O3 2015
Office of Technology Project on Integrated Renewable Resource Management
Traditional agiculture & resource management systems in the High Islands of Micronesia.
Pac.HC123.5.M58F18 1986
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Navy Department.
Civil affairs handbook West Caroline Islands OPNAV P22-7 (Formerly OPNAV 50E-7).
Office of the Convention Secretary
4th Constitutional Convention of the Federated States of Micronesia, Palikir, Pohnpei : Convened on Tuesday, January 7, 2020; Adjourned sine die on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.
Pac.JQ6451.A5M55 2020
Office of the Engineer Headquarters. Far East Command.
Folk medicines of the islands of Palau and Yap.
VerF 0709.52 Pac.
Office of the Fishing Cooperative.
Annual report 1970 : Truk (Piis) Fishermen Cooperative.
Pac.SH319.F34O34 1970
Office of the FSM Congress Speaker. July 2014
Journal of the eighteenth fourth special session : Eighteenth Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia.
Pac.J960.H35F31s July 2014
Office of the FSM National Public Auditor 2014
Inspection of Chuuk State tax and revenue section fiscal years 2010 to 2012 : report no. 2014-04.
Pac.HJ98.2.C47M82 2013
Office of the FSM National Public Auditor. 2015
National Government FMIS : Full capabailities not utilized to provide efficient financial management and reporting services.
Pac.HC681.7.N11F31 2015
Office of the Governor. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Annual program plan under the library services and construction act, a amended : providing library services for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for the period of fy...1978.
Pac.Z678.85.A56 1978
Office of the Governor. Territorial Energy Office.
Energy and American Samoa : presented to Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hearings on Energy Needs and Renewable Resources Potential of the Pacific Insular Areas, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Pac.TJ163.65.S46e 1980
Office of the High Commissioner.
Office of the High Commissioner. Department of Public Health.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands population profiles 1967.
Pac.HB3692.6.A3T78 1967
Office of the High Commissioner. Department of Public Health. Division of Vital and Health Statistics.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands population profiles 1967.
Pac.HB3692.6.A3T78 1967