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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Izuka, Scot K. Hydrogeologic interpretations from available ground-water data, Tutuila, American Samoa. Pac.GB701.W375G46 1999 IN
Serial Izumi, Gloria. Revisiting who is guarding the guardians? : a report on police practices and Civil Rights in America. Gov.CR 1.2:P 75/28 IN
Book Izumi, Ky¯oka, 1873-1939. In light of shadows : more Gothic tales by Izumi Ky¯oka. PL809.Z9A23 2005 IN
Book Izumi, Lance T., 1958- Teacher quality. LB1715.T426 2002 IN
 5 Izumi, Masanami.
Book Izutsu, Shinryu. Sacred treasures of Mount Kóya : the art of Japanese Shingon Buddhism. Pac.N7353.3.S32 2002 IN
Video Izzard, Eddie Eddie Izzard. MITC VC 1247 IN
Book J.E. Kirkley Measuring and assessing capacity in fisheries : 1. Basic concepts and management options. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company. The top 100. Ref.HF5382.T59 2001 IN
Serial J. Radovanovich Calculating Assistant. Retail price indexes = Indices des prix de detail. Pac. HD235.P23S66a 1989 IN
 2 Jaarsma, S. R.
Serial Jabar, Phyllis, Editor. New Pacific magazine (formerly the American Pacific magazine). Pac.Per.DU1.A54 IN
Book Jabes, Jak. Governance in the Pacific : focus for action, 2005-2009. Pac.JQ5995.M47 2004 IN
 3 Jabre, Bushra.
Video Jacaboi, Derek Queen of heaven. MITC VC 1216 D IN
Book Jachia, Lorenza. Building trade partnerships in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Doc.HF2040.7.B85 2006 IN
 2 Jack E. Yakana.
Mixed Jack, Grilly Christian Endeavor President. United Church of Christ - Pohnpei : Mehn kaweid, 2023. VerF(2) 0136.2023 Pac. IN
Mixed Jack, Grilly Christian Endeavors President. Miscellaneous papers of the United Church of Christ - Pohnpei. VerF(2) 0136.2022 Pac. IN
Book Jack, Keith, 1955- Dictionary of video and television technology. Ref.TK6634.J33 2002 IN
Serial Jack, Michael Spices and herbs for home and market. FAO.S494.5D58S6 2011 IN
Book Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art. Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) woodcuts and engravings : the Durer Collection of the Foundation of Lower Saxony and the Konrad Liebmann Foundation, Germany. NE654.D9A4 2007 IN
Book Jackendoff, Ray, 1945- Foundations of language : brain, meaning, grammar, evolution. P151.J254 2002 IN
Book Jackman, Hary Co-operative housing in Metalanim, Ponape, T.T.P.I.
Book Jackman, John. Lighting for digital video & television. TR891.J33 2004 IN
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