View previous page View next page Author Search:  Kayama, Matazo, 1927-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Kaua'i Historical Society. Kauai as it was in the 1940s and '50s : recollections and photographs of the days when Grampa Mike was a teenage, Coast Haole bachelor living on Kauai during the two years prior to World War II and four years following the war. Pac.DU628.K3A84 2004 IN
Book Kauanui, J. Kehaulani, 1968- Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneity. Pac.KFH454.K38 2008 IN
Book Kauble, Christa. The little acorn. Gov.A 57.2:AC 7 IN
 2 Kauchak, Donald P., 1946-
Serial Kaufer, Laura Evaluation of a "Traditional food for health" intervention in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
Book Kaufer, Laura Allison Iler Evaluation of a traditional food for health intervention in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.TX360.F42K16 2008 IN
Book Kaufer, Laura Allison Iler School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University, Montreal. Evaluation of a traditional food for health intervention in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.TX360.F42K16 2008 IN
 3 Kauffman, James M.
Book Kauffman, James M. author. Exceptional learners : an introduction to special education. LC3981.H34 2019 IN
Video Kaufman, Charles Return to paradise. MITC VC 636 IN
Book Kaufman, Cheryl Davidson. Cooking the Caribbean way : revised and expanded to include new low-fat and vegetarian recipes. TX716.A1K38 2002 IN
Book Kaufman, Daniel Origins of Palauan intrusive velar nasals.
 2 Kaufman, Elizabeth Elias.
Video Kaufman, George S. You can't take it with you. MITC VC 1102 IN
Book Kaufman, Hattie E. Access to institutions of higher education for students with disabilities. LC89.K16 2005 IN
Video Kaufman, Hyman The incredible human machine. MITC VC 394 IN
Book Kaufman, Juliet. Academic advising for student success retention. LB2343.82.H6 2004 IN
Book Kaufman, Lar. Running Linux. QA76.76.O63W46 1996 IN
 2 Kaufman, Michael T.
Book Kaufman, Walter, trans. The birth of tragedy and the ase of Wagner. B3313.G42E55 1967 OUT
 2 Kaufmann, Christian.
Book Kaufmann, Jerome E. Algebra for college students. QA154.3.K36 2011 IN
Book Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta. Toward a geography of art. N7480.K34 2004 IN
 2 Kaufmann, Walter Arnold.
Book Kaufmann, William J. Supercomputing and the transformation of science. QA76.88.K38 1993 IN
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