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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Wymelenberg, Suzanne. The whole truth about contraception : a guide to safe and effective choices. RG136.2 .W54 1997 IN
Book Wynar, Bohdan S. Introduction to cataloging and classification. Z693.W94 1985 IN
Book Wynbrandt, James. The encyclopedia of genetic disorders and birth defects. Ref.RA773.W96 2000 IN
 2 Wyneken, Jeanette, 1956-
Book Wyngaard, Susan. Digital images and art libraries in the twenty-first century. ZA4084.A78D54 2003 IN
Video Wynn, Keenan The three musketeers. MITC VC 1104 IN
Video Wynn, Sabina. Better safe. MITC VC 257 OUT
Video Wynn, Tracy Keenan. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. MITC VC 585 IN
Book Wynne, Frank. Atomised. PQ2668.O77P3713 2000 IN
Book Wynne, William Open Skies : a cooperative aproach to military transparency and confidence building. Doc.UNIDIR/2004/18 IN
Mixed Wypijewski, JoAnn This is only a test : Missle defense makes its mark in the Marshall Islands. VerF 0866.001 Pac IN
Book Wypych, Konrad. W cieniu fe : saladmi Jana Stanislaw Kubarego. Pac DU500 .W9 IN
Book Wyrtki, Klaus. The mean annual variation of sea level in the Pacific Ocean. Pac.GC89.H53 no. 80-5 IN
Book Wyschogrod, Edith. Spirit in ashes : Hegel, Heidegger, and Man-made mass death. BD444.W974 1985 IN
Video Wyszkop, Katia Monsieur Ibrahaim. MITC DVD 135 IN
Book Wyttenbach, Richard Harrington. Micronesia and strategic trusteeship : a case study in American politico-military relations. Pac.DU500.W98 IN
Book X, Malcolm, 1925-1965. The autobiography of Malcolm X. BP223.Z8L57943 2001 IN
Book Xatart, Stéphanie. From the South Seas : Oceanic art in the Teel collection. Pac.N7410.F76 2006 IN
Book Xavier, Benchardt Town Study Project : student papers. Pac.DU568.T7X3 1985 IN
 7 Xavier High School.
Mixed Xavier High School 1956- Wall of fame : [graduates of Xavier High School upto 1995]. VerF 0950.56 Pac. IN
 5 Xavier High School (Chuuk, Micronesia).
 31 Xavier High School (Truk, Micronesia).
Book Xenakis, Christopher I. What happened to the Soviet Union? : how and why American sovietologists were caught by surprise. DK266.A33X46 2002 IN
Video Xenon Pictures, Inc. The Rosa Parks story. MITC VC 1268 IN
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