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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Chamen, Tim. Rural transport and traction enterprises for improved livelihoods. FAO.HE316.D44C76 2009 IN
Book Chamie, Mary. Women of the world : Near the East and North Africa. Pac.HQ1726.5.C47 1985 IN
 3 Chaminade University.
Serial Chaminade University of Honolulu. Chaminade literary review. Pac. PS1.C48 IN
Book Chamisso, Adelbert von, 1781-1838. A voyage around the world with the Romanzov exploring expedition in the years 1815-1818 in the Brig Rurik, Captain Otto Von Kotzebue : by Aldelbert von Chamisso; translated and edited by Henry Kratz. Pac.G420.R48C4513 1986 IN
Video Chamoiseau, Patrick The middle passage. MITC DVD 356 IN
Book Chamot, Anna Uhl. The CALLA handbook : implementing the cognitive academic language learning approach. PE1128.A2C36 1994 IN
Book Champagne, David W. The intelligent professor's guide to teaching. LB1025.2.C52 1995 IN
Book Champlin, Malcolm. Luzon : a novel. PS3553.A86L89 1997 IN
Book Champollion, Harvé. Wonderful France. DC18.C35 1994 IN
Book Champy, James, 1942- Reengineering management : the mandate for new leadership. HD70.U5C49 1995 IN
Book Chan, Elaine. China. DS706.F38 2002 IN
Book Chan, Gaye, 1957- Waikiki : a history of forgetting & remembering. Pac.DU629.H7F32 2006 IN
Mixed Chan, George L. Integrated farming systems for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Book Chan Huang, Mei. Experimental rearing of Nile tilapia fry (Oreochromis niloticus) for saltwater culture. Pac.SH167.T54W371 1984 IN
Book Chan, Kenneth. Cocos (Keeling) Islands--the political evolution of a small island territory in the Indian Ocean. Pac.DS349.9.K43C43 1987 IN
 2 Chan, Lois Mai
Book Chan, Lorna K. S. (Lorna Kim Sang), 1946- International developments in early childhood services. HV713.I56 2002 IN
Book Chan, Marsha, 1952- Phrase by phrase : pronunciation and listening in American English. PE1128.C36 1987 IN
Book Chan,Yin-Pong Robert. An empirical study of human service organizations in Oahu and Guam : relationships among size, structure and technology -- using culture as a linking mechanism. Pac. HV13 H3 C5 IN
Book Chance, Norman A. (Norman Allee), 1927- The Eskimo of North Alaska. E99.E7C36 1966 IN
Book Chance, Rosemary. Hit list for young adults 2 : frequently challenged books. Z1019.L48 2002 IN
Book Chance, Sue. Stronger than death. HV6545.C43 1992 IN
Mixed Chand, K. Provitamin A carotenoid content of different cultivars of edible pandanus fruit. VerF.030 Pac. IN
Book Chand, Mona J Food, drinks and fitness. Pac.TX360.F4C43 1990 IN
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