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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Economic Research Centre (China) Almanac of China's economy. Ref.HC427.92.A1A45 1982 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders. (2nd: 1992: Honiara, Solomon Islands). Second Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders Rarotonga, Honiara, Solomon Islands 7 July 1992 : report. Pac.DU29.S63s 1992 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (3rd: 1993: Funafuti, Tuvalu). Third Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders, Funafuti, Tuvalu, 18-19 January 1993 and Committee on Smaller Island States Meeting and meeting of private sector representatives of smaller island states: report. Pac.DU29.T45 1993 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (1992 :Cook Islands) Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 16-17 January 1992 : report. Pac.DU29.S63 1992 IN
Book Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders (1993 :Tuvalu. Third Economic Summit of Smaller Island State Leaders, Funafuti, Tuvalu, 18-19 January 1993 and Committee on Smaller Island States Meeting and meeting of private sector representatives of smaller island states: report. Pac.DU29.T45 1993 IN
Book Economics and Development Resource Center (Asian Development Bank) Challenges for Asia's trade and environment. Pac.HC412.B76 1998 IN
Book Economics and Statistics Administration. United States summary, 2010. Gov.C3.223/5:2010 CPH-2-1 IN
Book Economist Books. The future of technology. T173.8.F88 2005 IN
Book Economist Intelligence Unit Country profile. Pac.HC681.A1C686 IN
Book Economopoulos, Panos. Visual C++ 5 ActiveX COM Control Programming. QA76.73.C153L53 1997 IN
Book Ecosystem Principles Advisory Panel (U.S.) Ecosystem-based fishery management : a report to Congress. Gov.C55.302:F 53/9 IN
Serial ed. Old glory and new Yap / A Natural History Magazine Supplement. Pac.Per.QH3.N37 1973 v.82:6 IN
Book Edberg, Stephen J. Observing comets, asteroids, meteors, and the zodiacal light. QB721.E35 1994 IN
EDD See: South Pacific Forum Secretariat. Economic Development Division
Book Eddings, David. The shining ones. PB EDD 1993 IN
Book Eddleston, Michael. Oxford handbook of tropical medicine. Ref.RC961.6.E33 2008 IN
Book Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910. Science and health : with key to the Scriptures. BX6941.S4 1994 IN
Book Ede, Lara. Camilla, the Cupcake Fairy. CRC PZ8.3.B86 2011 IN
Video Edel, Uli. The mists of Avalon. MITC VC 179 IN
Book Edelman, Carole. Health promotion throughout the life span. RT97.H4 2006 IN
Book Edelman, Murray J. (Murray Jacob), 1919- Constructing the political spectacle. JA74.5.E39 1988 IN
Book Edelman, Roberta, ill. The Autobots' secret weapon. CRC.Pic.K944 1985 IN
Book Edelman, Shimon. Computing the mind : how the mind really works. BF311.E3 2008 IN
Book Edelstein, Barbara. The dynamics of global cooperation and competition : 7th annual proceedings : International Symposium on Pacific Asian Business (ISPAB), Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994 and PAMI-Chulalongkorn Workshop, International management education and curriculum development, Bangkok, Thailand, January 1994. Pac.HC412.I58 1994 IN
Book Edelstein, Sari. Food science : an ecological approach. RM216.F678 2014 IN
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