View previous page View next page Author Search:  Lee, Robert A.
  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Lindsey, Sara.
Book Lindskoog, Kathryn Ann. The C. S. Lewis hoax. PR6023.E926Z779 1988 IN
 2 Lindstrom, Lamont
 8 Lindstrom, Lamont, 1953-
Book Lindstrom, Lamont, 1953- ed. The Pacific theater : island representations of World War II. Pac.D767.9.P33 1989 IN
Book Line, David. Screaming high. CRC Juv.L64 1985 IN
Book Lineberger, Patrick H. Sedimentary processes and pelagic turbidites in the eastern central Pacific basin. Pac.QC851.H35 no.75-24 IN
Book Linehan, Patricia, 1950- Win them over : dynamic techniques for college adjuncts and new faculty. LB1738.L56 2006 OUT
Book Linek, Wayne M. Practical classroom applications of language experience : looking back, looking forward. LB1576.P687 1999 IN
Book Ling, Bettina. Aung San Suu Kyi : standing up for democracy in Burma. DS530.53.A85L56 1999 IN
Computer Ling, Dana Lee A mother whale and her daughter.
Book Ling, Haicheng. Buddhism in China. BQ626.L63 2005 IN
 4 Ling, Ted
Mixed Lingenfelteer, Sherwood The Traditional political organization of Yap. VerF.0578 Pac. IN
Book Lingenfelter, Judith Elai. Schooling in Yap : Indigenization vs. cultural diversification. Pac.LA2270.Y3L56 1981 IN
Book Lingenfelter, Richard E. Presses of the Pacific islands, 1817-1867 : a history of the first half century of printing in the Pacific islands. Pac.Z221.A2L5 IN
 4 Lingenfelter, Sherwood
 3 Lingenfelter, Sherwood G.
Mixed Linger, Nickolas Truk state hospital. VerF 0649 Pac. IN
Book Linggui WAng editor A brief introduction to the Belt and Road Initiative. HF1416.6.C6B75 2019 IN
Book Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea. Tok Pisin : a pidgin primer. Pac.PM7891.Z9B78 1975 IN
Book Lini, Walter, 1942- Beyond pandemonium : from the New Herbrides to Vanuatu. Pac.DU760.L4 IN
Serial Lining, Charles E. The Shenandoah episode. VerF(2) 0020.90? Pac. IN
Mixed Lining, Charles E. Ship's doctor. Journal of Charles E. Lining : C.S.S. Shenandoah. VerF(2) 0020.1865 Pac. c.2 IN
Book Link, Arthur Stanley. Progressivism. E743.L56 1983 IN
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