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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Dwight, Edwin Welles, 1789-1841. Memoirs of Henry Obookiah : A native of Owhyhee and a member of the Foreign Mission School, who died at Cornwall, Connecticut, February 17, 1818, aged 26 years. BU3680.H4O33 1968 IN
Book Dwight, Revena. Sesame street : together book. CRC Pic.D95 1981 IN
Book Dworkin, Gerald ed. The IQ controversy : critical reading. BF431.I2 1976 IN
Book Dworkin, R. M. Law's empire. K230.D9L39 1986 IN
Book Dwyer, Bronwyn. Schooling the child : the making of students in classrooms. LB1117.A77 2003 IN
Book Dwyer, Mindy, 1957- The Salmon Princess : an Alaska Cinderella story. CRC PZ7.D9635 2004 IN
Book Dwyer, T. (Terry), 1949- Resource tax policy in countries of the Asia Pacific region. Pac.HD72.D486 1999 IN
Computer Dyar, M. Darby (Melinda Darby) The study of minerals. CD ROM 0274 1997 IN
Book Dyball, Rennie. Dwarf : a memoir. RJ135.D53 2012 IN
Book Dyck, Victor Arnold, 1941- Rearing codling moth for the sterile insect technique. FAO.SB933.6.D53 2010 IN
Book Dye, Bob, 1928- Merchant prince of the Sandalwood Mountains : Afong and the Chinese in Hawai`i. Pac.DU627.17.A36D94 1997 IN
Book Dye, Elizabeth I. A survey of nutrient intakes and food habits in a New Hebridean village : study of Walarano, Malekuka. Pac.TX360.N47D93 1979 IN
 2 Dye, John E.
Book Dye, John E. FSM Public Auditor Federated States of Micronesia : overseas liaison offices review. Pac.JX1894.F43 1981-83 IN
Book Dye, Thomas R. The irony of democracy : an uncommon introduction to American politics. JK276.D92 2012 IN
Book Dye, Thomas S. Archaeological survey and test excavations on Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pac.GN875.M33 D8 IN
 3 Dye, Tom.
Book Dyen, Isidore The material culture of Truk. Pac.GN671.T7L4 IN
 4 Dyen, Isidore, 1913-
 2 Dyer, George C. (George Carroll), 1898-1987.
Book Dyer, Gillian. Advertising as communication. HF5821.D89 1982 IN
Book Dyer, Gwynne. War. U21.2.D93 1985 IN
Book Dyer, Marcelene. A promise is a promise : an almost unbelievable story of a mother’s unconditional love and what it can teach us. RB150.C6O223 1996 IN
Book Dyer, Peter. Fiji's sugar tramways, 1882-1982. Pac. HD9118 .F53 M34 1982 IN
Book Dyer, Ruthanna, 1942- Pathophysiology for the health professions. RB113.G64 2011 IN
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