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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference (8th : 2000 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Technology and cultural values : on the edge of the third millennium. T14.E28 2000 IN
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference (9th : 2005 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Educations and their purposes : a conversation among cultures. LB45.E15 2005 IN
Book East-West Philosophers' Conference, University of Hawaii, 1964. The status of the individual in East and West. B824.E2 1964 IN
 8 East-West Population Institute.
Mixed East-West Population Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu. Mobility,Identity, and Policy in the Eastern Caribbean. VerF.1134 Pac. IN
Book East-West Resource System Institute. Pacific energy program mission report, Guam. Pac.HD9502.G8P3 1986 IN
 9 East-West Resource Systems Institute.
Book East-West Resource Systems Institute. Energy Project. Critical energy issues in Asia and the Pacific : the next twenty years. Pac.HD9502.A782C74 1982 c.2 IN
Book East-West Resource Systems Institute. Fertilizer INPUTS Project. Review Meeting (2nd Honolulu, Hawaii : 1978). Proceedings : second review meeting I.N.P.U.T.S. Project (Increasing productivity under tight supplies) Honolulu, Hawaii, May 8-19, 1978. Pac.S494.5.P75R4 1978 IN
 4 East-West Technology and Development Institute.
Book East, William Gordon. The geography behind history. G141.E2 1967 IN
Serial Easter Island Foundation. Index to Rapa Nui journal 1988-1996. Pac.Per.F3169.R35I2 1999 c.2 IN
Book Easter, Michael |c |e (Health and fitness writer), author. Scarcity brain : fix your craving mindset and rewire your habits to thrive with enough. BF637.S4E165 2023 IN
Video Easter Oregon University. Island magic. MITC DVD 7 IN
Book Easterbrook, Gregg. A moment on the earth : the coming age of environmental optimism. GE195.E18 1995 IN
Book Easterly, William Russell. The elusive quest for growth : economists' adventures and misadventures in the tropics. HC59.72.P6E17 2001 IN
Book Eastern Oregon State College Summer session in Truk: Eastern Oregon State College on Moen: Summer 1982: an evaluative report. Pac.LB1705.T7.T76 1982 IN
Book Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration. Alternative delivery systems for public services : health care, NGOs, credit, cooperatives: papers presented in an ADIPA Seminar held in the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, December 4-5, 1991, sponsor, Association of Development Research and Training Institutes of Asia and the Pacific: co-sponsors, World Bank, Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration, U.P. Management Education Council, Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation. HV375.A53 1991 IN
Serial Eastly, Michael Special report -- part 2 : Tourism in the Pacific Islands : where is it now? where is it going?.
 2 Eastman, Arthur M., 1918-
Book Eastman Jr., James N., Chief, Research Branch, The Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center. The Army Air Forces in World War II : combat chronology, 1941-1945. Pac.D790.C29 IN
Book Eastman, Kevin. Teenage mutant ninja turtles : the storybook based on the movie. CRC PZ7.H41 1990 IN
Book Eastman, P. D. (Philip D.) Are you my mother?. CRC Pic.E7 1960 IN
Book Easton, Brian The commercialisation of New Zealand. Pac.HC663.E7 1997 IN
Book Easton, Lois Brown. The other side of curriculum : lessons from learners. LB2806.15.E29 2002 IN
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