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  Author Title Call Number Status
Mixed Kyushu University Department of Fisheries. Faculty of Agriculture Insular Freshwater fish faunas of Micronesia : patterns of species richness and similarity. Pac.QL614.E58 IN
Serial L.C.Clements,, Statistician. Retail price indexes = Indices des prix de detail. Pac. HD235.P23S66a 1989 IN
Book L. Ron Hubbard Library. Horticulture : for a greener world. SB318.H833 2012 IN
Book .L32 Larousse encyclopedia of prehistoric and ancient art: art and mankind. Ref.N5300.L32 1967 IN
Book La Cour, Erin, editor. Graphic medicine. RA440.5.G73 2022 IN
Book La Croix, Robert de. Mysteries of the Pacific. Pac.G525.L22 1957a IN
Book La Fay, Howard. Easter Island and its mysterious monuments. Pac.Per.G1.N27 v. 121:1 Jan 62 IN
Book La Fontaine, Jean. Chisungu : a girls' initiation ceremony among the Bemba of Zambia. DT963.42.R5 1982 IN
Book La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695. Selected fables. PQ1811.E3J13 1979 IN
Book La Gorce, John Oliver, 1880- The book of fishes. 1952 ed., rev. and enl., presenting the better-known food and game fishes and the aquatic life of the coastal and inland waters of the United States. Pac.QL625.N3 1952 IN
Book La Leche League International. The womanly art of breastfeeding. RJ216.W72 2010 IN
Book La Mancusa, Katherine C Source book for art teachers. Ref.N33.L11 1965 IN
Book La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup, comte de, 1741-1788. Voyages and adventures of La Pérouse. Pac.G420.L222 1969 IN
Book La Plante, Lynda Trial and retribution III. PB PLA 1999 IN
Book La Rocque, Stéphane de. Long-term tsetse and trypanosomiasis management options in West Africa. FAO.SF807.H45 2004 IN
 2 La Touche, Bill.
Book Laaser, Ulrich, 1941- Pilot research project on urban violence and health : determinants and management ; a study in Jakarta, Karachi and conurbation Ruhrgebiet. HM886.P55 2001 IN
Book Laba, Billai. Plumes from paradise : trade cycles in outer Southeast Asia and their impact on New Guinea and nearby islands until 1920. Ref.HD9429.F42N49 1996 IN
Book Labaree, Benjamin Woods, joint author. New England and the sea. HF3151.A65 1976 IN
Book LaBarge, Ralph. DVD authoring & production. TK7882.D93L33 2001 IN
Book Labarthe, Darwin. Health effects of modernization in Palau. Pac.RA558P3L3 IN
 3 Labby, David.
 3 Labelle, Marc.
Book Labelle, Marc, 1955- A summary of current information on the biology, fisheries and stock assessment of Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Pacific ocean, with recommendations for data requirements and future research. Pac.SH351.T8 T42 1998 no.36 IN
Mixed LaBerre, Weston Materials for a history of studies of crisis cults : a bibliographic essay. Pac.Per.GN1.C8 1964 v.12:1 IN
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