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 3 Biggs, Bruce, 1921-
Book Bigler, Carmen Milne. Etto ņan Raan Kein : a Marshall Islands history. Pac.DU710.W35 2012 IN
Book Bigornia, Avelino E. The symptomatology of yellow mottle decline of coconuts/. Pac.SB401.C6C34 1960 IN
Book Bijlefeld, Marjolijn, 1960- Encyclopedia of diet fads. Ref.RM222.2.B535 2003 IN
Book Bikajle, T. Breadfruit cultivation practices and beliefs in the Marshall Islands. Pac.GN4.A55 1960 no. 8 IN
 2 Bikajle, Tion
Book Biklen, Sari Knopp. Qualitative research for education : an introduction to theory and methods. LB1028.B56 1992 IN
Book Biles, Carol My Grandfather's house. CRC Pic.B49 2008 IN
Book Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The computer companion : 24 practical lessons for individual & classroom use. QA76.754.C73 2002 IN
Book Bill Curtsinger Testing the Waters of Rongelap : This Pacific atoll, heavily contaminated by radioactivity duringa 1954 nuclear bomb test, remains off-limits for human habitation, yet in its waters life abounds.
Book Bill, Erastus, 1826-1905. Citizen : an American boy's early manhood aboard a Sag Harbor whale-ship chasing delirium and death around the world, 1843-1849 : being the story of Erastus Bill who lived to tell it; with notes on Erastus Bill by Robert Wesley Bills. Pac.SH383.2.B54 1978 IN
Book Bill, James A. The eagle and the lion : the tragedy of American-Iranian relations. E183.8.I55B5 1988 IN
Book Bill, Jefrey World War II sites in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia : a survey of underwater and terrestrial sites. Pac.D767.852.M5B55 2004 IN
Video Bill Kurtis. "Noah's keepers of the ark". MITC VC 791 IN
 2 Billen, Wehns
Book Billen, Wehns Artist IFCP 2005 calendar : featuring local grown bananas in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.SB379.I1E33 2005 IN
Book Billen, Wehns K. XI South Pacific Games : Guam. Pac.GV725.G85 1999 IN
Serial Billfish Stock Assessment Workshop (1977 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Summary report of the Billfish Stock Assessment Workshop, Pacific Resources : Honolulu Laboratory, Southwest Fisheries Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-14 December 1977. Pac.SH351.B5B55 1977 IN
 5 Billiman, John.
Book Billinge, Rachel Beyond the naked eye : details from the national gallery. N1070.D8 2005 IN
 2 Billings, Diane McGovern.
Book Billings, Maxine. A test of faith. PS3602.I443M43 2005 OUT
Book Billingsley, Carolyn E. Beginner's guide to family history research. HQ518.B34A6 1998 IN
Book Billman, Jean. Observation and participation in early childhood settings : a practicum guide. LB1139.23.B552 2003 IN
Book Bills, David Sanitary survey of outer island water systems: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.TD365.B55 IN
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