View previous page View next page Author Search:  Desmond, Adrian J., 1947-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Cule, John. Timetables of medicine. Ref.R133.C85 2000 IN
Book Cullen, J. (James) The identification of flowering plant families, including a key to those native and cultivated in north temperate regions. QK495.A1C85 1997 IN
Book Cullen, John B. (John Brooks), 1948- Multinational management : a strategic approach. HD62.4.C85 2011 IN
Book Cullen, Katherine E. Encyclopedia of earth and space science. Ref.QE5.K845 2010 IN
Book Cullen, Lynn. Twain's end. PS3553.U2955T95 2015 IN
Mixed Cullen, Trevor Press Coverage of AIDS/HIV in the South Pacific : Short-term of a long-term problem. VerF.0405 Pac. IN
 5 Cullinan, Bernice E.
 2 Culliney, John L., 1942-
Book Cullum, Albert. Aesop in the afternoon. PN6120.A5C89 1972 IN
Book Cullup, Michael. Write about...intermediate writing activities. PE1128.C84 1982 IN
Book Culshaw, John, 1964- Managing information technology : a handbook for systems librarians. Ref.Z675.U5I4 2004 IN
Mixed Culton, Donald Cultures of Micronesia, Ponape, August 4, 1980 - Sept. 1, 1980: a cooperative venture with world encounters. VerF 091.80 Pac IN
Mixed Culton, Donald R. Cultures of Micronesia, Ponape, August 4, 1980 - Sept. 1, 1980 : a cooperative venture with World Encounters.
Serial Cultural anthropological research on historic media in the Caroline Islands 1993 March. Cultural anthropological research on historic media in the Caroline Islands. Pac.GN671.C3C85 1993 March IN
Book Cultural Landscape Program (U.S.) Cultural landscape report for Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site. Gov.I 29.86/4:1/v. 2 IN
 3 Cultural Landscape Program (United States. National Park Service. National Capital Region),
Book Cultural Resource Management Pacific preservation. Pac.DU568.P11 2001 IN
Serial Cultural Survival Inc Cultural survival quarterly. Pac.Per.GN380.N478 1987 IN
Book Cultural Values in the Age of Technology (1991 : Kapalua, Hawaii) Cultural Values in the Age of Technology : a workshop presented by Kapalua Pacific Center, June 24-28, 1991, Kapalua Bay Hotel. Pac.HC681.C91 1991 IN
Book Cultural Values in the Age of Technology Conference/Workshop (2nd : 1992 : Kahului, Hawaii) Land, culture & development in the aquatic continent : a workshop presented by Kapalua Pacific Center, May 26-29, 1992, Kapalua Bay Hotel. Pac.HC681.C83 1992 IN
Book Culture Learning Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu. A new kind of sugar : tourism in the Pacific. Pac.G155.O3F5 1977 IN
Video Culver, Craig Judaism. MITC DVD 148 IN
Book Culver, Stephen J. Distribution of recent benthic forminifera off the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America. Gov. SI 1.41:30 IN
 3 Cumberland, Kenneth Brailey.
Book Cumings, Bruce, 1943- Korea's place in the sun : a modern history. DS917.C86 1997 IN
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