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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Judd, Bernice. Voyages to Hawaii before 1860 : a record based on historical narratives in the libraries of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society and the Hawaiian Historical Society, extended to March 1860. Pac.DU627.J88 1974 IN
Book Judd, Cameron. Cameron Judd's the bridge burners : a true adventure of East Tennessee's underground Civil War.
Book Judd, Denis, Series editor. A traveller's history of London. G153.4.T44 1992 IN
Book Judd, Henry P. (Henry Pratt), b. 1880. The Hawaiian language and Hawaiian-English dictionary : a complete grammar. Pac.PL6443.J82 1939 IN
Book Judd, Nanette L. Kapulani Laau Lapaau : a geography of Hawaiian herbal healing. Pac.SB293.J83 1997 IN
Serial Judd, Paul A short history of the Skipjack survey and assessment program (SSAP) [part 2].
Book Judge, David. Political institutions in the United Kingdom. JN238.J89 2005 IN
Book Judge, Lita. Red sled. CRC PZ7.J89 2011 IN
Book Judicial Commission of New South Wales Alcohol as a sentencing factor : a survey of attitudes of judicial officers. HV5279.A2P78 1994 IN
 2 Judith W. Wang
Book Judson, D. Daniel. The poisoned rose. PB JUD 2002 IN
Book Judson, Karen, 1941- Law & ethics for medical careers. R725.5.J83 2010 IN
Book Judson, Sheldon. Introduction to geology, physical and historical. QE26.2.S75 1978 OUT
Book Judy, Barbara. The ADA coordinator's guide to campus compliance. KF4244.P58F75 2005 IN
Serial Judziewicz, Emmet J. Morphological, anatomical, and taxonomic studies in Anomochloa and Streptochaeta (Poaceae, Bambusoideae). Gov. SI 1.29:68 IN
 2 Juel, Connie.
Book Juergensmeyer, Mark. Encyclopedia of global studies. Ref.JZ1318.E626 2012 IN
Book Jugenheimer, Donald W. Advertising media planning : a brand management approach. HF5826.5.K45 2004 IN
Book Juha´sz, Ja´nos Dr. Promoting farmer entrepreneurship through producer organizations in Central and Eastern Europe. FAO.HD1491.C36M55 2006 IN
Book Juhnke, Gerald A. Suicide, self-injury, and violence in the schools : assessment, prevention, and intervention strategies. HV6545.8.J94 2010 OUT
Book Jukes, Mavis. No one is going to Nashville. CRC Pic.J93 1983 IN
Book Jul-Larsen, Eyolf. Management, co-management, or no management? : major dilemmas in southern African freshwater fisheries. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Video Julia, Raul Romero. MITC DVD 36 IN
Book Julian, Joseph. Social problems. HN59.2.K66 2004 IN
 2 Juliani, A. J.
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