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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Chartier, Normand The amazing mumford forgets the magic words!/. CRC Pic.T53 1979 OUT
Book Chartier, Normand, 1945- Who am I?. CRC Pic.W46 1978 IN
Book Chartier, Normand, 1945- ill. The Sesame Street pet show : featuring Jim Henson's Sesame Street Muppets. CRC Pic.K614 IN
Book Charton, Barbara. A to Z of marine scientists. Ref.GC9.C48 2003 IN
Book Charvat, William 1905-1966, joint author Prentice-Hall handbook for writers. Ref.PE1408.L39 1974 IN
Book Chase, Alston. In a dark wood : the fight over forests and the rising tyranny of ecology. SD387.O43C48 1995 IN
Book Chase, Chris. Name dropping : the life and lies of Alan King. PN2287.K6687A3 1996 IN
Book Chase, Edith Newlin. The new baby calf. CRC Pic.C387 1984 IN
Serial Chase, Fenner Albert The caridean shrimps (Crustacea--Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910. Gov. SI 1.27:466 IN
Book Chase, Harold William, 1922- Insoluble problems; case-problems on the functions of State and local governments. KF4600.A7In7 1964 IN
 2 Chase, Harry.
Book Chase, Jennifer A. Limited current and biological study in the Tuanmokot Channel, Ponape. Pac.TD624.P7T8 c.3 IN
Book Chase, Myrna. Western civilization : ideas, politics & society. CB245.W4834 1989 IN
 2 Chase, Neil K.
Book Chase, Robert. Implications of climate change and sea level rise for Western Samoa : report of a preparatory mission. Pac.QC981.8C5C44 IN
Book Chastain, Madye Lee, ill. The cow-tail switch and other West African stories. CRC PZ8.1.C8 1993 IN
Book Chastel, André, 1912- Italian art. N6911.C38 1963 IN
Book Chatellard, Isabelle-Anne. Atlas of world facts. CRC QH50.5.F35 1999 IN
Book Chattergy, Virgie, 1938- Academic literacies in multicultural higher education : selected essays. LC1099.3.A23 1992 IN
Book Chatterjee, Meera. Reaching health for all. RA394.R32 1993 IN
Book Chatterton, Martin. A joke a day : 365 guaranteed giggles. CRC PN6166.C34 2007 OUT
Book Chattin-McNichols, John. The Montessori controversy. LB775.M8C54 1992 IN
 2 Chatwin, Bruce, 1940-1989.
 2 Chatzidakis, Nano.
Book Chau, Veronica. Banana split : how EU policies divide global producers. Doc.HD9259.B3E778 2005 IN
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